[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] Like the others, Tyaethe dismounted, smoothing out her dress as she did so--and then throwing the sword over her shoulder as Fanilly went to the rescue of the wounded farmer. So, they'd left someone alive...? There was no way that could be an accident. Not this close to the camp. Talk about a lazy trap--sure enough, the captain easily avoided the obvious attempt to spring something on her. So amateurish; you didn't leave your bait alive to give [i]warning.[/i] But the small girl was alongside the captain in moments, shifting grip to wield the sword as best as possible in her free hand. It was almost an afterthought as she thrust it through the heart of one axe-wielding bandit, not seeming to pay much attention as the order's one and only undead briefly strengthened herself to free her sword; the corpse sailed into an onrushing pair, leaving them free for other knights to stab down. "Reon's jiggly ass... [i]this[/i] is enough to scare you brats?" Tyaethe grumbled, looking back at the farmer. What... there, on the horse. That would do. The paladin dropped her umbrella and tore the saddle blanket free, pressing down on the man's wound. No sense in dropping the [i]sword[/i], and the trees shielded enough of the sun that it was more an irritant than painful.