Sammual sat around for a bit as he began thinking. It was better to sit in the light instead of darkness. As Sammual began to think he was taking assessment of the creatures. They must be around the size of a proper Sea scorpion if not slightly larger to fit through the door. If they has the relative strength to somehow get through doors and walls if they were not pried open, they would be able to tear through a person with ease. If they had that power, and were like most insects and had an exoskeleton there would be a good chance that they are able to handle their own power against them. The best way to beat them if anything would be enough force applied to a point to bust through. So do what the entire animal kingdom does and pierce through with force. A bludgeoning device would be terrible for this as it would require great force, slashing worst so as it would probably a terrible idea and the blade would just slide off. As Sammual was thinking he was interrupted by the awful sound of skittering. He froze up for a moment and looked over to the opening as he began to hear it get loader. He slowly backed away and back out into the hallway as he began his less so stealthy retreat into the ship to find another exit as his was now blocked off. He heard a screech come from off in the distance as loud clashing came about and terrified Sammual to the core. He held back all of his fear for long enough to find a new area. Here he opened the door and began shutting it behind him hoping it would buy him time. He prayed as he slowly made his way through the next area here it was a shit show. everything here was gone or eaten. There were skeletons so that meant they have been here for a month or longer as they would have picked everything clean pretty quick. So he had that assuredness as they should have moved on, as he makes his way on with more haste hoping to find an exit soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Guy" is getting excited now there is real tension with his every movement. Now he is back on the move again with an ever looming threat behind him and a great likelihood there will be something here for him to actually face. This has "Guy" quite excited and really wanting to just set everything off, but that would ruin the tension of the moment.