Gavin moved to grab the sandwich, almost dropping it before he got ahold of it properly. "Ooh... Almost." He said quietly before he munched down on it. He watched the large group of Pokemon with a small smile. He looked over to Timothy as he asked Jycii about her feathers, before he glanced over to the two Arcanine. Niccia watched her Pokemon mingle, looking to the trees where Merlin, Blubelle and the oddly coloured Noibat was. She turned her attention to where the Salazzle was and watched Ixia run over to her quietly. She smiled, looking to the two puppy pokemon run around Charles for a moment before darting over to pester both Bolt and Spike. The Luxray only welcomed the playful pups quietly, allowing them to run around and over him before they seemed to turn their attention back to Spike. Bolt relaxed a little, lowing his head back to the ground as he closed his eyes. He listened to the wind as he seemed to rest, but he was very much awake. His ears flexed at every sound, every yip and bark that the pups made, every bite that the trainers and pokemon took. Spike watched the pups run around and jump over him, before he jumped up as well. Missy stepped back in fear when the big houndoom hopped up, her tail moving to fall between her legs; Sparky on the other hand readied a playful stance, flicking her ears back before she let out a loud bark, a sound that echoed around before she zipped off away from the Houndoom. Spike seemed confused for a second, obviously unsure how pups actually played, before he looked to Missy, who ran off in another direction. [i]"Do they not... Like me?"[/i] Spike asked Bolt, who smiled, still keeping his eyes closed. [i]"Pups are weird. Missy was a bit spooked by you, probably not used to beasts as large as you. Sparky on the other hand is mental."[/i] Bolt said quietly, slowly opening his eyes as his third eyelid slid over out of the way. Jycii almost smirked at Tim's words, [i]"That is because I am of the Rainbow Birds blood."[/i] She said, looking to the Decuideye, [i]"Niccia found me as a chick, being attacked by a group of Fearow."[/i] She moved as she finished eating to preen herself, nipping at one of her loose feathers before she plucked it off, looking at the rainbow colours glistening in the light- Close to that of the rainbow wing for Ho-Oh themselves. Harry gave a gentle mumble at Saruya headbutting him. He enjoyed her presence, she made him feel happy; he hoped he made her feel the same way. [i]"Should we mention to them about our thoughts?"[/i] He asked, glancing to his female companion, [i]"Or shall we sit on this idea for a while?"[/i] Yvetal gave a laugh at Merlin's words, [i]"Yes, or fly."[/i] She watched the area before her ears twitched, [i]"I must me off. I hope to meet you again. Take care of your trainers and Blubelle?"[/i] The Weavile looked up from gently chewing on her claws, [i]"Look after Gavin for me."[/i] She fanned her wings out before she flew up out of the tree and dove back into the forest and out of sight. [i]"Show off."[/i] Blubelle uttered as she sat on the branch Merlin sat on, she looked to Merlin quietly, [i]"How do you feel about having Darkrai's old guardian on your team?"[/i] She asked out of curiosity. Charcoal listened to Mable speak before he nodded once. [i]"I don't remember too much of where I came from, I just remember the cold silver of a lab and the feeling of needles."[/i] He started, [i]"Then I woke up in Professor Oaks lab one day and Niccia was there, looking at me expectedly."[/i] Tyson listened quietly, swaying his tail before he moved to put Charcoal onto the ground and slowly crawled off towards Saber and Mei.