[color=c4df9b][b]Ettamri Belarence[/b][/color][hr] [color=6ecff6]"Hey, hey, Ettamri, can we drink that water? It looks super tasty!"[/color] [color=c4df9b]"Hah? Right out of it? What are you some sort of horse?"[/color] Ettamri came around the back of the wagon, looking for Siwon and Katya.[color=c4df9b] "Boil it first. Someone has a pot here. Hey, fiend knight, go gather up any deadwood."[/color] She gestured broadly around the area, where dead wood would be inevitably be found, whether it be in the lightly wooded area, or the river side where driftwood floated down from upstream. [color=c4df9b]"The more the better. We can use what we don't burn for another campfire."[/color] She looked around for an obvious site for a good place to make a fire, and settled on a sort of a semi circle of rocks nearby the riverside. Easy enough to make an indent in the middle for the fire. [color=c4df9b]"Here."[/color] Bringing the horses a bit closer towards the area, she started to look around for a bit of firewood herself, before the Bladedancer came up to her. [color=ed1c24]"Please don't call me idiot, again. Bladedancer is fine, just like how you used to."[/color] [color=c4df9b]"What's wrong with calling an idiot an idiot?"[/color] Ettamri snapped back. [color=c4df9b]"If you don't like it, then go home. Or... do you want to settle it right now?"[/color] Even with her weapons on the wagon, she still radiated confidence in her own abilities. After what was said in the plaza, there was no way she could just let her grudge go. Not after that insult.