[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/54/7a/60/547a6026a04a544069e9ca8788cbc9ab.jpg[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmNkYzMwNC5WR2hsSUZScGNITjVJRlJ5YjI5a2IyNCwuMAAAAAAA/trinigan-fg.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=f7976a]“You are single handedly the reason I drink.”[/color] Willow sighed at River. She would have preferred everyone took the night and rested. Just because their stats were topped off, the game still demanded they sleep and eat. After a huge battle, she’d rather play it safe but if everyone was insisting they push on then they would push on. She downed the rest of her drink before sending out a message to Cecelia. [quote] [color=f7976a] Cece, Did you at least take a moment to eat? A level up doesn't stop the game from hitting you with hunger. We're about to head out once we finish up here. Did you want me to pick you up some bread and fruit? Can you also keep an eye out for Prome? He was with us freaking out and now he up and vanished. Stay safe please.[/color][/quote] [color=f7976a] "I need to pick up the rest of the body line anyways. I overestimated how much my stat would influence it's healing power."[/color] Willow grumbled, sending the message and picking at her stew. [color=f7976a] "We really need someone working on the numbers. Wonder if that's capped behind that arithmetic skill."[/color] The inn was still noisy, Players coming and going as they wanted. Renn was flowing freely and the alcohol was right behind it. People were really going all out. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bc/7c/25/bc7c25bdbaba4ac9e4e98140ed2a6450.jpg[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLjY0Y2QwNC5WR2hsSUVkMWFXeGtJRWhoYkd3LC4wAAAA/trinigan-fg.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=magenta] "Our condolences for your losses.[/color] Rania said, Dracion lifting his hand off her shoulder as she stood down. Both of them have him a wary look as he continued to blather. [color=magenta] "I am Rania Hawthorne and this is Dracion Wildbron, second to the Shaman Chief. It an interesting choice to brave the Rathan's scorn. What brings you here with such purpose?"[/color] Meanwhile, Dracion hauled Prome up by the arm off the floor. The weight of his suit didn't seem to bother the man all that much. He patted the Tinker hardily on the back. [color=DodgerBlue] "Stand up, you strange man. Around these parts we look each other in the eye. We don't bow down and grovel like beasts scrounging for food."[/color] Dracion boomed with a frown. [color=DodgerBlue] "Now 'fore I can help you, need to know a few things. One, what tower? You talkin' about the ruins on top of the mountain right. Well, that there-"[/color] Rania smacked him lightly on the shoulder. [color=magenta] "I can handle this, Dracion. Go do your rounds."[/color] Dracion shot her a curious look and she just shook her head. He shrugged, said his farewells, and made his way out into the rain only to be stopped by other players. Rania turned back to the pair. [color=Magenta] "Discussing the universe's layout with the unenlightened will only confuse them further."[/color] Rania spoke quietly as her tag blinked, changing from Rania to Rania Hathorne, Shifter Trainer. [color=Magenta] "Ultimate power is an illusion of your own creation. Ascension can only be achieved through the concurrent use of many powers, not a singular one. A single fish among the sharks is sure to die but when they swim as one, they may escape. At the cost of some of course." [/color] [center][pre]Quest Accepted. A Mechanist's life for me! See Professor Ratshrew in his home in the residential district to unlock the Mechanist subclass.[/pre][/center]