There could be traps ahead, or even an ambush. These were the words that the adventurers used to keep each other on their toes for the duration of their break, while the two that would guard them chose to keep their closest watch towards the path that they had come from. Not a wholly unwise decision by any means, what with the drakes certainly residing in said place. They might have a set of keys for them, but they had no way of knowing if it was the only set of keys. Yet there had been something wrong in the steps going downwards. The prints on them had not been clear. It was like someone had messed with them, even if it was not deliberate. The realisation would strike too late, as simultaneously with the first sign of trouble two and two were put together. A flying kobold had flown past the tracks, mixing them up as they passed. So the people that were deeper knew they were here. And were on approach. In a quite unforeseen manner of greeting however, instead of a zealous charge at the intruders, a strong male voice called out from behind the first corner of the stairs heading down. "We know you are there. I will step out now, and if you have any sense in those heads of yours you will not be opening fire", he informed the adventurers of their current predicament, and did as he had suggested. A man sporting muscle rivalling that of the half orc and beard woven together in braids, equipped with protection in form of many heavy furs and an axe definitely not fit for woodcutting held over his shoulder, its great blade shining in torchlight coming from someone behind him. "Cyanwrath has summoned the champion of Greenest. Follow. We know you are one of them", he would resume, giving them the last moment to consider how to react to this. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] Only six minutes have passed. [b]SHORT REST HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED.[/b] What appear to be heavily armed heralds have approached the party from deeper within the dungeon. They have issued demands, but appear otherwise peaceful. For now. [@Zverda][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher][@Norschtalen][@The Harbinger of Ferocity] [/hider]