[center][h2][color=#b800e6][b]Jade Schneider[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] After their introduction, her day had really been quite a bit of a whirlwind from that point on. First, she was heading with the group, then led off to her own cabin. Inside, she could almost [i]feel[/i] the magic hanging around the cabin. As if it were a heavy heat weighing down upon her shoulders. The girl was then introduced her cabin mates and helped around by one of her sisters. She learned where her bunk was, conveniently easy to get to for a girl who really couldn't see where the hell she was going. She spent the rest of the time sitting on her bunk and looking through her spellbook and talking to her sisters. The girl trying to really understand what exactly was going on in this camp. After that, she was led out of the cabin to join her siblings for dinner at the dining pavilion. Which honestly, could not have come much sooner as she was starting to feel a bit starved. While they were sitting at their table, Chiron must have stood before speaking as she heard the hall go quiet before he welcomed the new campers. Looking down from the crowds as they applauded, she felt her cheeks color with an odd feeling of shyness that she really wasn't all that used to experiencing. Hopefully, they would all stop soon, so the girl could go back to eating peacefully with her new siblings.