Argen was happy to leave at a time like this, he can slightly hear the edgy girl and giantess begin to speak. He can't hear if they are going at it right now, but he has seen they hold some distain for each other that they can try and solve while he is away, or bottle it up and suck it up for this adventure and we can get through this and get paid enough to survive a little longer. As he continued he noticed the mage catch up and seemed to have a plan on if they get caught off guard, [color=#C0C0C0]"Well, that's good. We always need an out, if we could cross the river most wouldn't follow in fear of falling in. And if not that the idea of it being too much energy for such a hunt would entice most to search for different prey"[/color]. As they continued forward Argen kept watch on the tree line to try and make sure they wouldn't just be ambushed without his knowing. With the mage they should be able a decent enough combo for most foes and even if they bite off more than they can handle, Renauld has a plan, and if all else failed they could hop into the water and run that way. Sure most of their clothing would be wet, but taking it off and drying them off as they freeze their asses off for a bit would be better than dying as most wouldn't follow such an idiotic and near suicidal tactic. As almost a light turned on in his head he remembered to finally ask, [color=#C0C0C0]"I never asked but what spells do you have?"[/color]