[center] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/a3b148938837c8380c1eb6e43f0d31fc/tumblr_pcvta2YxeN1w6599so1_1280.png[/img] On the way to Vertti’s house. [/center] [color=lavender]"Sounds good Grisaia. Lead the way."[/color] Mistress Vertti, Aer, and Grisaia walked towards the mansion, followed by Chieko and Flame. Everyone else stayed back to guard the gates, where the Cultists were likely to attack from. In Eiko’s patrolls, she would notice something far beyond her flightpath. Over the walls of the city, the cultists were setting up siege engines. Catapults and trebuchets. They were on the move, and she couldn’t tell where they were setting up. On the plus side, that also meant it would be a bit before they started firing. There was an army moving with it, but she didn’t notice any devil beasts or otherwise special threats. [hr] [center] Vertti’s house. [/center] Most of the servants/guards were getting stationed in preparation for the incoming attack. Nobody knew what they were dealing with, but archbishops were not to be taken lightly. Grisaia lead Aer and Vertti upstairs. [color=lavender]"I’m going to head to my room. Right now the royal seal is probably safest on my person."[/color] [color=ffdead]“Not a bad idea.”[/color] Aer looked at her spear. [color=ffdead]“Wouldn’t surprise me if that’s the entire reason they’re attacking.”[/color] Her spear split in two, and each half turned into liquid. It swirled in the air before solidifying as a sword and shield.. [color=ffdead]“That’s a bit easier to handle indoors.”[/color] It wouldn’t be much longer before the attack. It could happen any second. [hr] [center] Belriggers cool crib (exterior) [/center] Some would say that Ashton’s attempt to attack Sandra Fotos was like taking a swing at a bee’s next. On some level, the image works. Sandra was surrounded by a blanket of heat, and Ashton’s attempt to stab her (the nest) would surely expose him to the transparent heat that swirled about her body. But that implied that he was going to hit his target. Ashton wasn’t hitting a bee’s nest, he was jumping into a volcano. No amount of zigging or zagging would protect Ashton from the heat this woman was radiating. And as fast as he thought he was, he couldn’t run through the heat without getting burned by it. Ashton would not have the opportunity to raise his daggers before the heat burned him enough to disable his ideal form. Ashton staggered a safe distance away from her. The skin on his hands were dried and cracked. He was bleeding at the knuckles, and she hadn’t even attacked yet. [color=tomato]”Ashton Andrews.”[/color] Sandra repeated. [color=tomato]”I thought you were supposed to be a nice boy. Is senseless killing and baseless accusations how you plan to bring about peace?”[/color] Before Sandra could move in to attack Ashton, Belrigger charged towards Sandra with his sword drawn. She barely had enough time to place her banner between herself and the charging colossus. The impact was enough to knock her back, but she retaliated with a pillar of flame. [b]”Don’t forget me!”[/b] Ashton couldn’t just spectate the battle though. Gris was headed straight for him, and had a short blade drawn. Oni were known for their superior might, and Ashton had limited options now that he lost his ideal form. How would he handle the situation?