[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=pink]Cuyler Eysteinsson[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/c173d9d31fc0f20812ce1ef7f5062723/tumblr_inline_olunlfOrbf1s50qig_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=pink]Location:[/color] Bifröst, Asgard ---> Wizard Tower Courtyard -- The Castle Skills: [/center][hr] Cuyler was smiling slightly, stretching out as Halley relayed the information to Bruce and Myth. He chuckled to himself at the nickname and then Bruce’s protesting. He slid closer to Arnora and whispered to her. [color=pink]”Twenty on Bruce.”[/color] The Bifröst then opened and he moved away from Arnora before he stepped forward and was pulled into the rainbow. It had taken him awhile to get used to this sort of travel but he had grown fond of it. He wasn’t sure he would ever be able to go back to simple boat travel but he did miss it. Cuyler looked around, familiarizing himself with the area once again and sighed. A part of him had missed this place. The beacon that was Wizard Tower shadowed over him. He looked up further, seeing the sky and the stars. They looked completely different on Asgard. Cuyler inhaled, smelling familiar scents plus the distinct one of smoke. [color=pink]”Does anyone else smell burning?”[/color] Thia growled her ascent, having shifted into her wolf form the moment they touched down. Her ears twitched and she shifted uneasily as she picked up distant sounds that Cuyler couldn’t hear. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#006400]Amarantha[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35800000/Katherine-Pierce-The-Vampire-Diaries-5x02-katherine-pierce-35808344-245-267.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=#006400]Location:[/color] P7, [color=#006400]J6 ---> J8[/color] -- The Palace Courtyard Skills: Stamina, Resistance[/center][hr] Lennox jumped back when Antonjie came rushing forward and jumped the vampire in front of him. He quickly looked around him, scanning for more vampires before he refocused on Myrus. He put his sword away and walked to the Prince as he expertly charged the Vampire with enough power that would cause him to explode. His warning to Antonjie went unnoticed thought. Lennox placed a hand on Myrus’s shoulder. “We have to go,” he urged the Prince. Amarantha’s eyes sparkled as she watched the [b]Fyre[/b] be lit; however, it wasn’t around who she had been hoping for. Her eyes darted to the mysterious woman who started the blasted thing and she clenched her fists. Innocents were burning and although Amarantha didn’t normally care for that sort of causality, this was somehow different. She looked over at Oliver, deeming him not a threat at the moment and growled at him. [color=#006400]”Shut it.”[/color] She turned from him and moved to go to Violet when Mona came into view. Amarantha clamped her mouth and looked away, fighting the desire when Mona threw a marble at Oliver. He lit up quickly and Amarantha relaxed. Thank the gods it worked. She received two more fire marbles from Mona and spun them around in the palm of her hand. Mona made comment on her teeth and Amarantha glared at her a moment. The pulse in Mona’s neck was strong and Amarantha forced herself to look away. [color=#006400]”It seems I’ve been compromised but my job is far from done yet.”[/color] She walked away from Mona, making her way to Violet. As she walked, the beating of hearts became very loud in her ears. The smell and taste of fear, of blood enhanced and only continued to escalate her need for blood. It was beginning to drive her mad but still Amarantha resisted. She reached Violet and shook her arm. [color=#006400]”And just what the hell do you think you are doing?! Vampires need to burn, not…”[/color] Her words were cut off as the woman’s features came into focus underneath the hood. It couldn’t be, but it had to be. Her daughter said she would be coming back. [color=#006400]”Arya, you’ve returned,”[/color] she said plainly. She remembered all of Apollo’s words suddenly and didn’t know how else to talk to a person who had suffered from memory loss. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#1E90FF]Ahote Proudstar[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/c92939be88fe518c0ebf90ce63f58ea4/tumblr_pg9r56JnXZ1qieaoio1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=#1E90FF]Location: The Queen’s Room --- The Palace ; Old Cottage -- Marram Marshes [/color] Skills: [/center][hr] Ahote was stunned with the Queen’s venomous words to her own daughter. He had never experienced such treatment of parent to child before. It was horrifying. Ahote stood tall, glaring down at the former Queen. He moved over when Valda walked past him in such a way that showed this woman that he would protect Valda, as a supposed servant would do, no matter from whom. He turned his head when Valda addressed him, bidding him to follow. In all honesty, he hadn’t intended on following. He was determined to keep them safe and if he followed through, what was to stop the Vampires from getting in? He didn’t know where Myrus was. Perhaps the Prince had been taken down and now a Vampire was full of his blood and could walk into the room, rendering them all defenseless. And if he went, who was to stop them from getting to the cupboard the same as they had? Ahote said nothing as he watched Valda disappear. He looked back at the late Queen and frowned. [color=#1E90FF]”You only see glimpses, things [i]you[/i] desire. The Queen, your [i]daughter[/i], is stronger and well equipped for the dangers of this world. She has already surpassed you,”[/color] Ahote said confidently. Titan ran a finger across the table, pulling it back and wiped away the film of dust left on his fingers. He opened cupboards and quickly closed them, finding dead vermin or a disturbing smell. If they were to stay for any length of time, they would need to find food. And water. He watched the Queen appear and then shifted and crossed the room to the stairs before Luna could reach them. He climbed them first, checking every nook and cranny before the Crown Princess stepped foot on the second floor. He still wasn’t sure where they were but it seemed the Princess had an idea. That was a start. Titan descended the stairs again and looked about the room, trying to jog his memory if he knew anything about the Marram Marshes. “If we stay here, we will need to get supplies. At the very least water,” he said and looked towards the window.