[hr][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/the-shift-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190604/bf0a2527debf03648ee312013043095b.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] [center] [b][u]Date: January 1st, 2021.[/u][/b] [b][u]Time: 8:40 PM.[/u][/b] [b][u]Location: Chipotle Mexican Grill, West 34th.[/u][/b] [b][u]Interactions: Anyone Nearby.[/u][/b][/center] [hr][center][img]http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/02/7c/02/20/filename-p1030282-jpg.jpg[/img][/center][hr] Rayner let out a slightly annoyed sigh as he slowly rolled his shoulders in an attempt to relieve some of the tension that had built up during the train ride over. While he was more than capable of being around large groups of people, even in relatively small and confined spaces, Rayner still disliked having to ride on subway train. The air, which was made uncomfortably humid by the heat given off by the other passengers and tainted with various unidentifiable odors, the rattling of the train itself which caused him to bump into those around him, and just the general din of noise that its metallic interior contained, were all just as equally off putting both to him and his senses as some of the other riders were. Shaking his head, Rayner pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he placed his hand on the cool glass door separating him from the air conditioned interior of the Mexican restaurant, and slowly pushed it open. Stepping inside, he did his best to shut out the varying melodies flowing from the powers of a small group of metahumans sitting at a table nearby and quickly strode over to the main counter to order. Killing someone tended to work up his appetite. As he passed another table with a rather varied group of people-one of which was also a meta-however, he noticed an orange skinned girl with emerald green eyes. A very curious sight indeed, though not entirely unexpected or surprising given how much weird shit had happened over the years. Quickly shifting his gaze back onto his main goal, the counter where orders were placed, Rayner continued walking without so much as skipping a beat despite the fact that his mind was still somewhat preoccupied with the orange skinned girl and the melodies being emitted by the powers of various meta's currently dining in the establishment. Not an extremely difficult feat for someone with his kind of focus, but not an effortless one either. As he finally arrived at the counter, Rayner placed an order for a steak bowl with a side of chips and salsa which was quickly received and recorded by a rather chipper young lady with strawberry blond hair before being passed back to the chefs in the kitchen. Taking the receipt he was given with a friendly smile and a slight nod, Rayner stepped away from the counter and took a seat at an empty table nearby where he waited for his order to be completed.