Incoming GM Post today, more exposition heavy (and slightly railroady) then I'd like so apologies for that, should definitely have been split between two posts in the last few weeks I should think. I dislike having an NPC talk excessively in D&D as you guys should be centre in the limelight, but given the good rolls I think it was apt to get the information out. Perhaps in future we'll do some sort of group collab over OOC, just short bursts of dialogue then condensed into one GM post, to get it more in line with how these conversations tend to go over an irl table. We will be moving onto the Dungeondelve shortly, [b]your next posts will be the last before a short timeskip[/b] (you guys at the well ready to descend with your gear) so feel free to wrap up. Following Ardour's high persuasion and Aurix's Insight check, we've made our decisions about which information we're interested in and got Esvelle to talk and reveal her hand, and you won't be able to get anything else too significant out of her in today's conversation (in the form of another GM post with Esvelle). If there are things you want to tie up in your post, let me know what you're discussing with Esvelle and I will give you her dialogue for you to slot in as you see fit. It must be on the public post as everyone present would hear it. Once you get down into the dungeon the railroady aspects of the setup will be done and you'll have free reign of the dungeon! I swear! Best of luck~~