[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180804/59e33c13301c63b568e5eb178a837406.png[/img] The sudden noise shook Alexander awake "[color=aba000]Ergggg...what is wrong with my...bed?[/color]" By the time he reached the word 'bed' his brain had finished booting up and fully realized that he in fact, wasn't in his bed. This realatazation caused him to bolt up and take a look around to see sand and water "[color=aba000]...how...?[/color]" Alexander was completely baffled. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice [color=fff200]"A-Alex...When I suggested a date...this wasn't what I meant. This is, like, advanced dating!"[/color] '[color=aba000][i]Wait...Lily?[/i][/color]' Sure enough turning his head to the source showed him... [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi8839yopoM]Woah[/url] Alexander didn't realize, but his Beast magic flared up at the sight of her, and two blond fluffy ears popped up on his head '[color=aba000][i]What...what the fuck is wrong with me?[/i][/color]' Alexander thought to himself '[color=aba000][i]Why does my body feel like it's on fire? Am I sick or something?[/i][/color]' He tried to shake off the strange feeling, but his cheeks became flushed "[color=aba000]L-Lily, where are we, how did we-?[/color]" then that he noticed what he was wearing "[color=aba000]...what? What!? Why am I wearing [url=https://www.orlebarbrown.com/dw/image/v2/BBHG_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-orlebar-master-catalog/default/dwd0209afa/large/ORLEBAR_BROWN_SETTER_WHITE_250116_FRONT_L.jpg?sw=1500&sh=1500&sm=fit]swim trunks[/url]!? I've never seen these before![/color]" Before he could further ponder the implications in waking up wearing some clothing that he didn't remember putting on, he heard another voice, this time an unfamiliar one [color=75c159]”Hey stud, Need help getting up? Heh, interpret that however you want.”[/color] '[color=aba000][i]Was that a drug joke? Eh, whatever[/i][/color]' He took her outstretched hand as she helped him up [color=75c159]”I’m Tetrad. Who might you be?”[/color] She introduced herself "[color=aba000]Alexander[/color]" He spared a glance to Lily to see her talking with some other girls, as social butterflies like her tended to do "[color=aba000]I kind of thought it was only Lily and me here. Not sure if there being others here is a good thing or a bad thing[/color]" [color=75c159]”Also anyone know what's with the reception in this place? I can't get anything with my tablet.”[/color] That made Alexander freeze. While he didn't have a whole lot of experience with wireless doodads, something about that rubbed him the wrong way. Seconds later, he realized why "[color=aba000]...Please don't tell me this is another dimension, or something.[/color]"