[@Nate1008] So I went over your sheet real quick and bounced on something. Your biological weapons are quite weak to be honest. For starts your Bio-FTL will be next to useless if that’s your actual method of FTL to go around systems. The moon is at its closest approach with earth 405.000 km away from us. An FTL jump of 1.000 km is nothing in the grand scale of space. Your Bio-Cannon and heavy Bio-Cannon are also next to useless. For one they can easily be taken out by point-defense. Secondly, because you’re lacking any technological method of launching these objects I’m assuming you’re using something in the way of muscles? Which can only shoot off objects so fast before they start destroying themselves and even pushed beyond their limits you’re not going go as fast as a bullet or a missile. Modern space ships will easily dodge your projectiles and if they don’t, I can’t imagine they’ll do much more than scratch the hull. Also, poisoned bone spikes aren’t going to do anything against a ship. You need to be lucky to break through the hull and hit a crew member and that victim is going to have bigger issues than being poisoned. For your fleshrippers, what exactly would their purpose be? They are short-range tentacles with bone tips. Nobody is going to move in close enough for those to be viable and even then, a tentacle flailing bone isn’t going to do much damage (except, maybe, against strike craft or really small corvettes). And finally, I’m guessing the bio-spore is supposed to be some sort of anti-strike craft weapon? Again it just sounds really weak against anything bigger than a Corvette or maybe a frigate. It may try to latch on to anything bigger but as it can only survive for 5 minutes I don’t think it would really do anything against a hull. Also again, point-defense would massacre these things. To sum up: you don’t seem to have anything capable of destroying a destroyer or upwards. I’d review those weapons if I were you.