[center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/259127955945553922/589297266402131968/Basilisk.png[/img][/center] Basilisk had placed a single clawed hand against the door to the bank, intent on withdrawing the cash he would need for today’s shopping and already expecting the normal hassle of suspicion and delaying. But he did not expect the door to suddenly rip open away from him and a tide of panicking people to stream out. He heard screams at his appearance, people’s eyes wild with the terror of being trapped between himself and whatever had kicked this off. He felt a man strike him in the hip as he barreled past him and knew that he was going to need to get out of the way before someone got crushed. Reaching up, the reptilian man dug his fingers into the brick and hefted his bulk up and to the side. Frozen people saw the opening and darted away while the more sensible victims kept their bodies and heads turned his way while doing their best to not get trampled. One person tripped and his tail lashed out, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her to the side before she could get stepped on to many times. He matched her terrified shriek with a growling snarl. [color=39b54a]“Shut it lady. Get up and go.”[/color] The order given he loosened his grip. There was a scramble as she got to her feet and ran, the uneven sound of broken heels clicking on the road fading away quickly. As she ran Basilisk squared his shoulders, the flow of people from the early morning bank crowd quickly dissapaiting before him. This was something he didn’t want to have to put up with, the heroes were just as likely to attack him when they arrived but if he left there would be witnesses saying he had guarded the door. Nothing he could do other than act. With a low crocodilian growl he ducked down and stepped into the bank, slitted eyes scanning the scene. He could smell blood, the scent of a recently fired gun, and the whimpers of the people who had chosen to cower instead of flee surrounded him as the people saw only a new threat arriving. Two people in what could barely be called costumes, a pain in his tail if he were being honest. [color=39b54a]“A bank robbery, a bit cliche for villains. But I guess a couple of thugs can’t think past movies. Now why don’t you just get your asses out of here before I rip you both into pieces?”[/color]