Please see my generic 1x1 topic search [url=]HERE[/url] for any basic information about me/my posting habits. I've had an idea for quite some time that revolves around a fairly cliche royalty/peasant pairing. (I should note before proceeding that by me saying 'pairing' I in no way mean strictly romantic. While I'm definitely not opposed to romance should it occur I'm not going to force it if our characters do not have the right chemistry.) Another note is that I see this working best with M/M or M/F (if only because I've always envisioned my character in this as male), but it can be reworked to fit F/F as well. The idea takes place in the distant future. The universe is expansive and humans have spread far and wide. This is primarily due to a thing called 'kin' for which all humans possess (though in varying amounts). Kin can be adapted and used in many different ways, one notable way (at least for our RP) being in a futuristic take on the sport of boxing. Wearing specialized gloves that condense and manipulate kin the wearer can form both electric shocks and force-field like protective gear while fighting against one another. The sport is quite popular, with most people loving it for it's aggressive, fast paced, and sometimes lethal, game play. MC is a boxer. He lives within the outer rim (a poorer and much more desolate part of space), and makes petty cash off of small underground boxing rings. One day, after winning a tournament he's approached by a group of official looking agents who bring him to YC. YC is the crown prince(ss) of the Galactic Empire, and they offer MC a chance to partake in the championship finals of the Intergalactic Boxing Association (IBA), which usually carries with it a hefty entrance fee. However this isn't out of the goodness of YC's heart. YC believes that their life is in danger from a group looking to gain control of the royal family due to their immense kin reserves. Not trusting to look for help within the upper class, YC has been searching for a bodyguard who is at no risk of having ties to said group. Given that MC clearly does not, and is an excellent fighter, it seems like a match made in heaven. MC agrees to take up YC's offer, unaware of just how in over his head he's getting.