[quote=@NIHM] [img]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.RcV4jX3rO4KXvSFHWQpnoAHaLH[/img] Name: Miles Lamber Age: 29 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bi Nomadic or sedentary: Mostly Sedentary Weapons: sawed off double barrel shotgun, Glock 21, Combat Knife, 3 molotovs, and 2 pipe bombs Skills: bullet crafting, bomb crafting, basic survival skills, weapon repair, construction, chemist, and trader Abilities: He has the ability taste metal and tell you what kind it is (ie steel, or like iron), He also has a rather strong back along him to carry a fair bit of weight Appearance: Exactly like the picture above, he isnt that tall standing at 5'11" and weighs about 179lbs. He wears a old green baseball cap as well as old gas mask for the toxic gasses he works with Personality: Miles always trys to keep a positive mindset with his situation, he tries (and usually fails) to make people laugh with his dry and some would say tasteless humor. Miles uses his work as a way to calm himself down and a way to survive as he trades the lead ingots he makes for supplies Background: Miles was raised by his uncle from a young age in eastern Washington, Thats were his Uncle taught him how to make bullets and bombs for fun and how to camp and survive for a bit. When Miles was 16 his Uncle got him into Construction work so he could learn a good work ethic. After Highschool Miles got into Washington University where he got a BS in chemistry, he then said goodbye to his uncle as he boarded a plane to New York city to find better employment. Alone or with someone: Alone for now [/quote] Approved. However, your grammar is a tiny bit off at times. It does not bother me but I think it would be beneficial to put your stuff in the spell/grammar check in word or even google one to help yourself out a bit. C: