Hearing his hero name called out on the speaker system, Kris lept out of his chair. "Guess I'll have to pick this up some other time," he said, addressing the room as he strode for the door, turning to head straight for the hangar. Deciding to conserve his mental energy, he dropped into a low crouch once he got into the hallway, using his considerable leg strength to propel himself into a noteworthy run. Arriving at nearly the same time as the aerokineticist, Lexi, he used a small amount of psychic force to ease himself into a seat, rather than coming to a jarring halt or having to start slowing down earlier. As he slid into his seat, his cloak seemed to fly out of his backpack, draping itself over him, but leaving the cowl down. After noticing an ambient thought regarding the presence of an autopilot feature, he settled into a meditative posture, resuming his mental exercise in an attempt to recover more of his mental reserves before arriving at the heist. --- The moment the plane got near enough to the bank, Geist began to read the mental signatures within, developing an idea of the situation below. Communicating telepathically to the other two heroes preparing to leave the plane, he thought [i]"Geist here. I'll be maintaining an open line like this while we're down there. If either of you wish to coordinate covertly, just let me know; I can pass it on to the other of you as you tell me,"[/i] somehow managing to convey the entire thought in an instant, rather than at a spoken speed. With that, he cloaked himself in an illusory shroud that mimicked his surroundings, effectively rendering himself invisible, before leaping in through the skylight used by Lexi for her dramatic entrance. After positioning himself above his two teammates, he shifted his illusion, forming his ghastly apparition around himself while reducing the ambient light in the bank to about half of it's actual intensity, with the overall effect being that of a specter coalescing out of nothing, draining the area of brightness by virtue of its mere presence. Immediately around himself, he formed what appeared to be a writhing miasma of sheer darkness. Projecting his thoughts outward in all directions, he began to "speak," affecting a deep, rasping voice, and using a much more theatrical, spoken pacing than what he used in the plane. [i][b]"Drop your weapons, and be gone from this place,"[/b][/i], before fragmenting his illusion, giving each robber the impression that he was swooping down on them, as if saying the part to follow to them, personally. Additionally, they would each swear that, regardless of the fact that Geists face consists of a ghostly skull, he was somehow [i]smiling[/i] at them as he continued, projecting [i][b]"Or certain doom, you will face."[/b][/i]