[@DrowsyPangolin] Alright, I finally got my things together for this second and last OC! You spoke about the fey, and since Nilsova is in a swamp...well I had an idea for a "unique magical ability" for her. Based upon the "will-o'-the-wisp" of fey lore, which itself irl is tied to stuff like swamps. Ah, I will edit and fix anything to needed specifications, if or as required of course. ^^; [hider=The Fairy Child] [b]Name[/b]: Asteria Starwood [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Her Usual Appearance] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/IMJuF8O.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [b]Stats[/b]: (Letter grade S-F, include any bonuses from abilities/spells) (S=superior in every way, a one-in-amillion standout/A=Super human ability/B=Peak human ability/C=high end of average human ability/D=low end of average human ability /E=below average human ability/F=any ability in this field is almost negligible) Strength: E Speed: D Precision: C Endurance: D Mana Reserves: A Control: C [b]Spellcasting Class[/b]: Mage [b]Specialization[/b]: Faelight, Illusion Faelight is a form of unique magic among the fae, an innate magical talent Asteria has possessed since birth due to her strong Otherfolk lineage and her mother. Some fae from the Nilsovan swamps can generate what are called “will-o-wisps” or “fae fire”, a magical phenomenon formerly seen across areas of Cresia, Verholt, certain eastern areas of Osunn, and rare areas of Isila when the fae were more numerous in the world. “Fae Fire” itself is most generally (outside of Nilsova) described as: “Pale white or blue fire, usually seen in a ball-like form, that is used as a light source by some types of fae. It has a rumored history of being used to guide lost humans to safety, confuse wicked travelers, and attack those who get on this particular type of fae’s bad side”. Other varying descriptions can be found of it in the various lands, including rumored uses such as them being “guide posts for the spirits of the dead to help them to the afterlife”. With the supposed extinction or total disappearance of the Otherfolk in modern times, according to the world beyond NIlsova at least, this phenomenon is mainly found within the swamps of Nilsova and is familiar to many locals there. Beyond Nilsova as well, scientific ‘explanation’ of these lights (aka: “swamp gas”) is considered the gernerally accepted ‘truth’ of the matter for the most part in the most advanced nations. Truth be told, however, these “will-o-wisps”/”fae fire”are not actually balls of fire, though what they are made of certainly looks the part. The “fire” they are made of is instead plasma of a white or blue color, which feels cool/cold in proximity to it and gets more and more so the closer you get to it physically. This being said, this plasma is of an extremely high temperature internally (which is usally self-contained unless the user loses control), and putting one’s hand inside of it would be as bad an idea as sticking their hand inside of an (admittedly very, very hot) fire. Water won’t put out this plasma, though dispelling magic can dispel it with some relatively light struggle to actually “undo” it. This form of magic’s proper name mainly comes from a nickname for “will-o-wisps”/”fae fire” that scholars once assigned to it for making quick and easier references in an educated setting. Of course this name was, maybe somewhat ironically, used in writing to “disprove” it or “document” its “supposed” sightings in legends and rumors. Notable Spells/Techniques: Beyond various general applications for Faelight and Illusion, such as invisibility or spooking people or freezing water or the like, she really has no special spells that stand out for her at this point in time. Maybe with development, training, and picking up more magical capabilities she will acquire some “signature” spells of a sort. [b]Magical Items/Equipment[/b]: (none, at least at first) [b]Short History[/b]: A Nilsovan native, she was born between the union of a Nilsovan man (desended from a mixed-blood line), and a powerful fae named “Titania” living in a fairy kingdom hidden within the deeps of the Nilsovan swamps. From afar Titania admired Asteria’s father, a fourth-generation Nilsovan artificer and overall kindhearted man, for many years. She would visit him at times in dreams and converse with him about the world, watch upon his work from afar using magic during the waking hours, and eventually found herself unable to bear to be without him. Though initially having been kidnapped, Asteria’s father eventually fell in love with her mother, and the two eventually wed and concieved a child: Asteria herself. Raised with a human father and fae mother among Otherfolk, at least for the first few years of her life, Asteria lived a life that perhaps many could only dream of. But when her father eventually fell ill and died, her mother tearfully sent the then 8 year old Asteria back to her father’s family. This, to ensure the girl had a full life, a life that wasn’t merely isolation from the world whilst living among only fae and such Otherfolk. It was a severe shock to her father’s family, who had asumed her father dead years ago, but they took her in like one of their own without question. To them, family was family even if they were mixed-blooded. Though while she was raised lovingly, and raised as best as possible to help her grasp her skills and capabilities, eventually it came to light after some years that she needed a better place to learn. She was no shaman who could learn more easily from a local, nor was she enough of a mage to train as an artificer at home at this point in time. So to try to help her along, her father’s family decided to send her to go to Arkus Academy to help hone her skills. It’d also give her some chance to, maybe, pick up some useful knowledge and skills to bring back home as well. [/hider]