[quote=@Unknown100] I see your point. And yeah, I completely agree 3,5 hour of destruction might be pushing it. There must be a better way. Hmm, [@Zero Hex] what if we extended the time before your character responded? Of course, you don't have to, but that's one way to easier include more people. I would edit mine too then. Maybe 2 hours, and then [@praxitilies] edits one and a half or something. Uhh, gets complicated :D [/quote] We could do that but then we'd have two edit to posts including the actual Hydra intro, wouldn't that be more complicated than just [@praxitilies] editing his posts to fit the timeframe? Since he just has to change a number and isn't interacting with anyone. IMO, it feels like even having the fight extend for just 30 minutes would be the best call. Half an hour is a hell of a fight and a lot of wrecking Metropolis, and plenty of time for other heroes to get the heads up via reports and make their way to the encounter IC. OOC, if we do at least a couple more posts around that 7:45 pm time we give other players room to finish up their own stories in other time frames and jump into this encounter if they want to, seems like something other JL people might want in on. This way Wonder Woman gets to face the big threat from her big bad, do her thing, face adversity and then gain new appreciation for other heroes when they show up to help, other players can get in on this with less of a hassle and obviously I get to do cool shit with my character because I jumped at the chance first =^).