[quote=@Alisdragon911] Jen nods as she agrees with Shiranui, in her mind ask all the psychic coordinators.[i]Are there any poacher on or around this island?[/i] [/quote] "[i]I detect a few, but they are not near your location[/i]" Sherlock relayed. Liam quickly approached and found that the egg was white and had a brick pattern. There was a stone that was cold to the touch with it. Liam figured that it was one of those Ice Stones that he heard about and assumed that it was to go with the egg. Which meant it had to be the Alolan variant of either Vukpix and Sandshrew, and the egg's design implied it to be the latter. There was no alarm set up that Liam could see, but knew that it didn't necessarily mean there wasn't one.