[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6DgKSAr.png[/img] [/center] [center][sub][indent][COLOR=FFD700][B]Manhattan, New York City[/B][/color] [color=4682B4]|[/color] [COLOR=FFD700][b]Present Day[/b][/color][/indent][indent][hr][sup][b][color=FFD700]Chapter One[/color][/b] [color=4682B4]|[/color] [b][color=FFD700]Part Five[/color][/b][/sup][/indent][/sub][/center] [indent] Adrenaline surged through his body. The rhythmic thumping in his chest synchronized with the furious pumping of his legs. He rounded what felt like the tenth corner, sneakers skidding across the loose dirt and pebbles. Hastily navigating the labyrinthian back alleys with the telltale sounds of a struggle guiding his path, Eli grit his teeth as another scream from Starfire rang out. [i]Damn it,[/i] he cursed. [i]Not fast enough.[/i] Rounding the final corner, Elijah skidded to a stop, nearly toppling over at the abrupt reversal of momentum. He narrowly avoided colliding with a man sailing through the air, the body slamming hard against a brick wall. Following the trajectory of the man, Eli spotted Koriand'r floating several feet above the ground. She appeared in rough shape. Her shirt was torn, portions completely missing, and almost looked to be melted at the edges. Her golden skin was blotched red in some spots, and her forearms looked nearly blistered. Fists balled tightly and green eyes flaring with energy, the alien girl loomed over the man she had just thrown. "That is enough. You are defeated. I do not wish to hurt you any further." Eli allowed himself a mental sigh of relief as he realized Koriand'r had the situation handled, albeit a little worse for wear in the process. He looked towards the man who was nursing a small gash across the forehead. Looking to be in his 30's, the man wore dark, heavy clothing with sleeves rolled up to reveal comprehensive inkwork. The word 'melter' was featured prominently in gaudy text along one arm. And, Eli couldn't be sure, but as the man slowly shuffled to his feet there appeared to be track marks noticeable around the inside of an elbow. "Shit, man!" A new voice swore loudly. The sudden cursing reminded Elijah that he had been warned of multiple men participating in an attack on a kid. Glancing to his left, Eli spotted the other perpetrator cowering against a wall. More handsome and with softer features than his partner, this one looked terrified as his eyes flicked between the two combatants. Eli's gaze then drifted over further to notice the prone form of a young, green-skinned boy. He barely had enough time to register this unusual appearance before he heard Koriand'r shouting in his direction. Whipping his head back around, the teen was confronted by the tattooed man's raised arm. Elijah wasn't aware of the danger until the outstretched hand glowed with crimson. Eyes widening, he reacted too slowly as the energy radiated forth. His vision was filled with fiery red. Koriand'r quickly positioned herself before him, throwing her arms in a cross to shield him from the blast. Eli could feel no heat from the energy, but he watched as his friend's skin bubbled and began to peel away slightly. She let out an angry yell and launched her body forward, forcing her way through the attack to once more confront the powered individual. Eli stumbled back, catching himself before he fell. [i]Holy[/i] fucking [i]shit![/i] He stared in amazement as the two fought before him. Koriand'r doing her best to subdue the man without serious harm while her foe relentlessly unleashed wave after wave of that unknown energy. [i]This is...[/i] Eli's thoughts both raced and struggled to form coherently. [i]I knew they existed. I've seen what Starfire could do. But... Jesus shit Christ.[/i] Even despite his panic, Eli wanted to join the fight. His muscles tensed as he watched, hoping to find an opening to help Koriand'r take the man down. But as he witnessed another crimson beam streak past Koriand'r, he knew that this conflict was far above his weight class. Eli dug his fingers hard into each palm out of frustration. Taking a second to focus himself, Eli forced his gaze away from the superpowered struggle. The boy was the real priority, he knew. When he looked back towards the kid, Elijah saw the handsome man bending down to drag the body away. Eli charged forward, reacting on pure instinct, and closed the distance in a few strides. Dropping his right shoulder down, he bodychecked the would-be-abductor causing both to topple over one another. The two scrambled back off the ground quickly, squaring off. Despite the fear etched across his attractive face, the man still managed to snarl at Eli as he produced a switchblade from a pocket. Elijah moved into a defensive position. "You don't wanna do this, man." Switching his hold on the knife to an underhanded grip, the man nervously took a step forward. "I need the kid. I can't leave here without him." "That's [i]not[/i] happening." Rushing forward, the handsome man held his arm up high intending to bring it down onto Elijah's chest. The blade never found its mark, however, as Eli immediately stepped forward to face the attack head-on. Throwing his left hand up to deflect the blow and pushing his wrist against his attacker's, Eli simultaneously let loose with a well-practiced punch to the man's neck. Spittle flew as the man coughed and doubled over. Driving forward with his counterattack, Eli quickly gained control of the wrist, locking it into place. Two knee strikes to the gut and groin immediately followed, and while the man clutched at his stomach Eli took the opportunity to rake the knife out of his grasp. Tossing the blade to the side, Eli shoved the man to gain distance. "Are we through here?" Eli asked despite it being clear the man was out of commission for the moment. His body felt on fire as the adrenaline raced through his system. Elijah had sparred with training partners more times than he could count over the last six years, but he had never been in a real fight until now, let alone one with stakes so high. "Hey!" A voice quietly called out. "Quick, while the guy's down, grab the kid." For the second time that day, Eli startled and nearly fell backward. To his right, a spectral figure rose from within the ground. Through a mass of brunette curls, the voice spoke again. "I know, I know. Not what you were expecting. Ooh, scary mutant girl," she said in a mock spooky voice. "You can freak out later, right now you need to pick the kid up and run away." The ghostly young woman looked back over her shoulder as she finished emerging from the asphalt. Pointing, she said, "your friend's tough, but I'm not sure she can last much longer." The girl was right. Eli could see Koriand'r had taken more direct blasts and while certain that she could win the fight in the long run, he didn't know what shape she would be in by the end if she continued to hold back. A predicament Eli knew he was partially responsible for as he had stressed earlier in the day she would have to be careful not to hurt anyone. He had been expecting regular thugs and criminals, though, not someone enhanced who could take a beating. [i]Right,[/i] he mentally agreed. [i]Time to go.[/i] Scooping up the green-skinned boy in his arms, Eli afforded a glance at his defeated attacker. The man was already recovering, albeit still clutching his gut in pain, and was dragging himself away from the conflict. He knew there was nothing that could be done now but leaving an attempted kidnapper and murderer behind to escape left a bad taste in Elijah's mouth. He turned to ask the ghost girl if she planned to follow but she had already disappeared as suddenly as had arrived. He called out toward the duo still locked in battle. "Starfire, I've got the victim. Give me a thirty-second head start then follow me." "But," Koriand'r ducked under an energy beam. "what of this man? Will he not escape?" "Doesn't matter right now, the longer we stay here the more danger this kid is in. And I don't want [i]you[/i] getting seriously hurt, either." She hesitated for a moment before responding. "I understand. You will have your thirty seconds. Leave now, please." The last thing Elijah saw before he turned and ran back down the labyrinth of an alley was another blast clip Koriand'r in the leg. Gritting his teeth and slinging the unconscious child over his shoulder, he forced himself to move quickly. [i]No shame in a retreat, Eli.[/i] He reassured his conflicted mind. [i]Just keep the civilian safe. Make grandad proud.[/i] He repeated this in his head like a comforting mantra as the young man and new hero carried the boy to safety. [i]Make grandad proud.[/i] [/indent]