Well, there you have it: [hider] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/130e39e5-21e6-4115-97b1-f3d06dd295d9.jpg[/img][/center][color=firebrick][b]Class:[/b][/color] Caster [color=firebrick][b]Name:[/b][/color] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gudrun]Kreimhild[/url] [color=firebrick][b]Title(s):[/b][/color] Princess of the Burgundians, She-Devil of the Nibelungs [color=firebrick][b]Height/Weight:[/b][/color] 155cm/44kg [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ac486fc2-bbfc-4e0c-9021-7de8f89f0fc4.jpg](without armor)[/url] [color=firebrick][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=firebrick][b]Attribute:[/b][/color] Earth [color=firebrick][b]Era/Place of Origin:[/b][/color] Age of Man/Pre-Christian Germany [color=firebrick][b]Alignment:[/b][/color] Neutral Evil [color=firebrick][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] Staff, Magic [hr][center][color=firebrick][b]—Bio—[/b][/color][/center][hr][color=firebrick][b]Backstory & Personality:[/b][/color] The main character of the German epic tale Nibelungenlied, as well as one of the world's most well-know seekers of revenge. Probably the most well-known in Europe before the raise of a certain man with an insufferable laugh. Once upon a time she was the perfect courtly maiden, a well-mannered and beautiful-beyond-compare princess of Burgundy who loved and was loved by a hero-beyond-compare. Her life was filled with joy and blessings, however, it wouldn't last. In due time, the curse brought forth by the treasure belonging to the vile Fafnir struck Siegfried and all those close to him, but none more than Kriemhild herself. As soon as Siegfried finished fulfilling her brother's (King Gunther) request of conquering the fierce warrior Queen Brunhilde, bringing forth a massive dispute between her and Kriemhild, he was killed in a cowardly betrayal by one of his most trusted allies. He had attempted to end the field between the women by laying down his life, nevertheless, these two events combined drove Kriemhild over the edge and she became a she-devil like no other as she sought her bloody revenge. After bringing her wrath over all those who wronged her, Kriemhild was finally taken down by a merciful blow, freeing her from her madness and allowing her to finally begin the true search to become one with her beloved once again. [color=firebrick][b]Character Objectives:[/b][/color] To meet with her beloved Siegfried one again. [hr][center][color=firebrick][b]—Parameters—[/b][/color][/center][hr][color=firebrick][b]Strength:[/b][/color] C [color=firebrick][b]Endurance:[/b][/color] B [color=firebrick][b]Agility:[/b][/color] C [color=firebrick][b]Mana:[/b][/color] A [color=firebrick][b]Luck:[/b][/color] E [hr][center][color=firebrick][b]—Class Skills—[/b][/color][/center][hr][color=firebrick][b]• Territory Creation B:[/b][/color] The ability to build a terrain that's advantageous to one as a magus. With her skills, Kriemhild is able to construct a workshop suitable for a spellcaster of her degree. [color=firebrick][b]• Item Construction B:[/b][/color] The ability to produce magical objects and elixirs as long as one possesses the necessary ingredients. Her main use for this skill is the creation of familiars like Dragon Tooth Warriors. [hr][center][color=firebrick][b]—Personal Skills—[/b][/color][/center][hr][color=firebrick][b]• Avenger B:[/b][/color] Because of her history of revenge, negative emotions and curses are not only drawn to Kriemhild but also empower her. Simply put, she converts hatred into magical energy. [color=firebrick][b]• Memory Correction B:[/b][/color] The single-minded willpower of one who seeks revenge. Kriemhild will never forget and never forgive those who wronged her as long as she draws breath. [color=firebrick][b]• Golden Rule B:[/b][/color] Because of the cursed treasure of the Nibelungs, she never has to worry about money. However, her Luck parameter is reduced. [color=firebrick][b]• Primordial Rune -:[/b][/color] Knowledge of Runes from the Age of the Gods. Those who posses it are also versed in the regular version of Rune Magecraft. While the times were changing when Kriemhild lived, the remnants of the Gods powers could be felt in the in the world strongly enough that a Sorceress of her caliber was able to master the Primordial Runes of Odin. Her skill as a mage was second to none, not even her rival Brunhilde. [hr][center][color=firebrick][b]—Noble Phantasms—[/b][/color][/center][hr][color=firebrick][b]Name:[/b][/color] Nibelungenlied: The Book of Kriemhild [color=firebrick][b]Title:[/b][/color] [i]"Hell hath no Fury like a Woman Scorned"[/i] [color=firebrick][b]Rank:[/b][/color] A- [color=firebrick][b]NP Type:[/b][/color] Anti-Unit (Self) [color=firebrick][b]Range:[/b][/color] 0 [color=firebrick][b]Maximum Number of Targets:[/b][/color] 1 [color=firebrick][b]Description:[/b][/color] The crystallization of the Kriemhild's history of revenge as told in the many variations of the Saga of the Nibelungs. This Noble Phantasm originally granted access to the Avenger Class Skills Avenger and Memory correction at A Rank. However, because Kriemhild's role as the most well-known seeker of revenge in Europe was overtaken by a certain other Anti Hero, it suffered a penalty, forcing the ranks of those skills to down to B. [color=firebrick][b]Name:[/b][/color] Der Ring des Nibelungen [color=firebrick][b]Title:[/b][/color] [i]"Cursed Ring of the Wrathful Dragon"[/i] [color=firebrick][b]Rank:[/b][/color] EX [color=firebrick][b]NP Type:[/b][/color] Anti-Unit(Self) [color=firebrick][b]Range:[/b][/color] 0 [color=firebrick][b]Maximum Number of Targets:[/b][/color] 1 [color=firebrick][b]Description:[/b][/color] The Ring fashioned from the cursed treasure of the Nibelungs by the dwarf Alberich. Those who wear it are granted fortune and power but also afflicted by a terrible curse. However, thanks to curses having become a source of power for Kriemhild, she can make better use of it than most. First and foremost, for her, it grants the skill Golden Rule at B Rank. Even so, she's still subject to the same decrease in her Luck Parameter as Siegfried. Second, the curse that emanates from the Ring acts as a constant wellspring of magical energy for Kriemhild, replenishing her reserves far faster than she could on her own. As long as she keeps the ring on her person, she can even exist on this world without the need of a Master to provide for her. Lastly, by calling on this Noble Phantasm's True Name it's possible to summon a replica of the Dragon Fafnir to this world brought forth from the residual consciousness left in the treasure and the dragon's own thirsty for revenge. While the upkeep is steep, the dragon's destructive power is unmatched, making it a perfect tool of widespread vengeance. However, since the dragon responds to its own will, she has no control over it once it's summoned, making this a risk move that can bring ruin upon her allies and herself if done recklessly. The possibility of being consumed by the flames of her own hatred is very real. Just what you'd expect of someone as hellbent on self-destructive revenge as Kriemhild and of a cursed treasure such as the Ring of the Nibelungs... [/hider]