[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MTM5CmE.png[/img][/center] [center][u][i]January 1, 2020, 7:45 PM. Broadway, Lower Manhattan. Cameo - [@unknown100][/i][/u][/center] [hr][hr] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiMqZmNHU1I]It was a brisk night[/url] even through Tobias' coat as the young mage continued his walk towards the docks. Pedestrians clogged the sidewalks even as the cars and cabs rolled through the streets. Bright flashing lights adorned the theaters and storefronts of the street and the sounds of the city joined the low rumble of conversation from the crowds of people lining up to see this show or that, or those that had just left an earlier show and chattered excitedly about the spectacle. Tobias kept his hat down and didn't look around much, deep in thought about his conversation with the blind scribe. "[i]Young mages... You always underestimate the skills of the Little Folk at spreading rumors and gossip.[/i]" The Little Folk. Simple fae that tended to hide in plain sight or in the shadow at the corner of your vision. Tyresius was right, Tobias hadn't given much thought to the small pixies and elves that could be found just about anywhere in the world, though they tended to shy away from the bigger cities like New York. Perhaps it would be wise to make a trip to Central Park before he proceeded down to the docks. Small faeries would likely find ample room to hide and play in the parks after dark, and nothing the old coot ever said was by accident. If he had planted the idea of the faeries in Tobias' imagination, there was something worth investigating there. "[i]Or the Queen put a bounty on my head and Tyresius wants to collect.[/i]" Tobias thought grimly as he paused to watch a small family exiting a theater. A well-dressed mother and father accompanied by their young son, certainly no more than eight, who was excitedly going on about the show they had just watched. He smiled for a moment, memories of his own youth coming back to him. The smile soured as he recalled the start of his training and the circumstances of his adolescence, but there were some warm memories to dwell on at least. "[color=fff79a]...An ancient evil beyond most people's understanding...[/color]" That snapped Tobias out of his reverie. His head jerked up and he frantically looked around for the source of the voice, a dull scarlet flaring to life in his eyes. He shook his head and the light faded even as he spotted a large display on the side of an electronic's store showing a statuesque woman with black hair standing in front of some kind of capsule. A gentle wind blew and her hair waved like an actress in a movie, made all the more cinematic by the dramatic words scrolling across the screen: "BREAKING NEWS... WONDER WOMAN IN MIDTOWN METROPOLIS..." "[color=fff79a]...There is no question that the seal will break, and once it does there will be a fight that is not meant for mortal eyes...[/color]" The scarlet light flared back to life in Tobias' eyes even as terror dilated his pupils as wide as they could go. How could she have known? Who else knew? How much time did he have before-- "[color=fff79a]...I call upon my friends in the Justice League. If you can come, please do so. But I also call upon others: I implore every strong arm and sharp sword to stand with me. Those who can fight do so. Those who cannot... run. If you live in Midtown Metropolis, do not hesitate. You take your loved ones and go. Do not look back. Run for your life.[/color]" The camera zoomed in on the canister behind Wonder Woman, a stone cylinder emblazoned with what appeared to be Ancient Greek and most worryingly an icon of the Ouroboros. Tobias' eyes blazed scarlet as he tapped his foot in agitation. She was in Metropolis, hundreds of miles from him, and was likely referring to whatever was inside the container behind her. He shook his head and held his eyes closed until the anger subsided. The fear had soured and begun to ferment in his chest and had become a solid mass of fury and hate, both his and worse. The camera again panned to show a newcomer had joined Wonder Woman, before both were set upon by a massive beast and the camera's connection was lost. "[i]It's none of my business.[/i]" Tobias thought, closing his eyes and trying to regulate his breathing. After all, there were other heroes in the world. Heroes that Wonder Woman had called for and would likely be coming to help her. Besides, he had some pixies to interrogate and dark magicks to stop. "[color=ef1956][i]You could be useful out in the real world... Use those tricks for the greater good![/i][/color]" Tobias growled as the news station shifted to the view of a battle from a helicopter. The beast was attacking both the heroes on site, and when one head was removed, two more grew to take it's place. "[i]I don't need to go deal with a hydra. They can work it out them-[/i]" The hydra began to attack itself, ripping and tearing at it's own heads and spawning an ever growing number of menacing jaws with which to strike. "[i]-selves.[/i]" Tobias sighed, then a rakish grin slowly spread over his features. This would certainly make his shows more attractive he supposed, though to whom he couldn't imagine. He watched the battle unfolding through the lens of the Helicopter's camera with the rest of the gathering crowd that murmured in concern at the events before them, searching for a suitable spot. He didn't dare take a jaunt through the Wyldes, not with likely half or more of Winter's forces out for satisfaction, but it was too dangerous to risk a blind jump with that monstrosity rampaging. He spotted a likely location and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and focused on his destination as he gathered his magic about him, his coat and hair shifting in an unseen and unfelt wind, before opening them and bringing his cane down on the pavement with a resounding crack that filled the air, even as he vanished in a puff of smoke. Showtime!