[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180513/5ef5b8f32a843a2a76c1b0aa903ab393.png[/img] [Sub].:Starting in the Sun:.[/Sub] [/center] There is always something to be said about waking up slowly, to slowly find oneself in that state of half awareness that is a mix of soothing and comfort, to slowly regain connection to the rest of the waking world. For Penny such an occurrence was a rarity, and normally one she would have fought to maintain, but the sound of voices drifting in from the distance shattered that chance. When her eyes snapped open she was expecting to see the roof of her lair, as the last thing that came to her mind was her having finally finished remodeling it in to a sanctuary. Thus the sight of a bright blue sky and a beach umbrella stunned her. Sitting up Penny noticed that she was on a beach, and her confusion only grew. Looking around she caught sight of the other members of Beacon further down the beach, and a forest behind her. [color=9e0039]“What the…?”[/color] she wondered aloud before jerking back in surprise at her voice, It sounded normal, but even without looking Penny could tell she was in her unsealed state. Looking down at herself Penny was caught in a mix of embarrassment and confusion. [Hider=Beach mode][img] https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/164/815/7d5.jpg [/img][/hider] She looked human, but none of her tattoos were visible. She poked her stomach and she could feel both unflinching steel and soft skin. She could pull up her HUD but the hum wasn’t there. It made no sense. Leaning back in the chair she was in Penny did her best to keep breathing as she fought down the urge to freak out. Taking another glance at the beacon members down the way, Penny decided to try something out to solve her confusion and with a bit of focus she felt her hand disconnect. Glancing down at it she felt relief to see her disconnected hand had reverted to its metallic state. A quick glance also revealed that the inside of her arm was still as she expected it to be. She let out a sigh of relief as she let her hand reconnect. Watching it quickly return to her human looking one. [color=9e0039]“So someone has put quite the potent illusion on me…”[/color] she murmured, wondering all the while why someone might do that. Glancing again at the Beacon members she closed her right eye and triggered the magnifying aug in her left eye. Before quickly shutting her eye and hiding her face in her hand as she fought off a blush. Everyone was in swimsuits. This was going to be hell for Penny, it was quite easy to ignore the skimpy outfits of people in the middle of a fight to the death, but a beach vacation was another thing altogether. With a sigh of resignation she stood up, noticing the sheer pareo she had, and trekked over to the rest of her comrades, determined to just play it cool for as long as she could. She ended up arriving just in time to overhear Alicia mention something about her having a Boat. [color=9e0039]“Why would we need Earthbastion?”[/color] She would ask walking closer to take a look at the sign everyone else was looking at. [color=9e0039]“Not really sure”[/color] Penny would answer Janet as she turned to look at the twins. [color=9e0039]“But the center island might be able to answer that”[/color] [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/d80bb0fbb433935c1613207a0d09ae3f.png[/img] [Sub] -=Ǝ Paradise E=- [/Sub] [/center] Aurelio had woken up not on the beach, like most of the other on the island had, but just barely into the forest. He had woken up on a bed in a small bamboo hut and the first thing he had tried was teleporting back to HQ. He was mildly concerned when that failed. Getting up he found a small cooler at the foot of the bed that had a variety of glass bottles of soda in it, kept nice and cold by a large amount of ice and a table with some chairs at the far end of the hut but nothing else of any importance. Raising his arm he snapped and three other him’s poofed into existence, to his mild surprise, and it was at this moment that he and himself noticed what it was he was wearing. [Hider=still got style][img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557521036330008587/557823414585262080/Kyle.png [/img][/hider] [color=fff79a]“Not bad…”[/color] He would murmur as they examined their enforced outfit. [color=fff79a] “No idea where we got it though.”[/color] said another as he checked over the jacket [color=fff79a] “Not as good looking as the suit,”[/color] continued the third as he examined the top hat, surprised, and glad that a deck of cards was still hidden inside [color=fff79a] “But the sandals are comfy.”[/color] finished the last as he tapped the new foot wear against the dirt floor. [color=fff79a] “Hey, I think I hear others”[/color] broke in one of them gesturing at the door as he did. The rest of the Aurelio’s stopped and turned towards the door to the hut and after a moment they could in fact make out voices, ones they recognized. [color=fff79a]“Seems we got a vacation?”[/color] said the original with a smile at the odd turn of luck. [color=fff79a]“Sounds like a plan to us!”[/color] said two of them with enthusiasm. [color=fff79a]“Shall we share the drinks?”[/color] The third inquired as he gestured to the cooler With a collective nod the squad of magicians left the hut, stopping for a moment to take in the breath taking beauty of this island paradise. [color=fff79a]“Hey everyone!”[/color] They called out with wide grins as they approached, the two in the back hoisting the cooler up as the continued [color=fff79a]“We’ve brought drinks!”[/color] The two carrying it cooler brought it over and placed near the majority of the beach chairs, one of them grabbing a cream soda before stepping away from it. One of the clones wandered over to take a look at the sign that was still the center of attention. While the main man walked over to Sally [color=fff79a]“Seems our date has gotten an upgrade wouldn’t you say?”[/color] he would ask with an easy smile and a chuckle.