Having lived in England for a while now, Ashlyn was biting her lip as she contemplated finally telling Kane how she felt. It had been foolish keeping it in the dark for so long, but she couldn’t have helped it. He was always going out with this girl or another and honestly, she thought he saw her as ‘one of the guys’ and wasn’t that just a dreadful thought? It’s been years since she first came along and was super stressed about being in a new environment. The accents were hard to distinguish, no matter the BBC programs at home she’d seen told her. “Stop being a ninny!” She told herself sternly. She was losing her New Yorker accent at last, or it was something Kane had remarked some time ago. “You gotta say something otherwise you won’t grow out of this.” For no matter how many girls Kane brought to their complex, she always got her heart broken every time it happened.