[center] [h2] Execution [/h2] [sup] [hr] [/sup] [/center] [indent] Matters are taking a turn for the worse for Rachel Hayford. Having arrived earlier without a problem (and probably expecting death to be the last possible thing before lunch), she now finds the suspicion of all her fellow criminals focused on her. Rachel's back is literally against the metal walls of the empty hangar. The private airport is closed today, and no one is around within miles of this place. No help is available to Rachel. The other syndicate members, with the exception of Alice, are all ready to put an end to Rachel. However, them trying to reach an agreement may give Rachel a split second to make her move first, whether that be trying (with little chance of success) to escape, fight back, or send out a message on her phone. Between Reika, Vinnie, Lucia and Leo, someone has to do the dirty work and secure possible evidence on Rachel. Only then can her secrets be revealed. [/indent]