Teroiah did not take here eyes of Hal-Neesa until she turned away completely. Even then, she hardly made a motion to disturb her posture. Meanwhile, Sabine felt herself start to breath again. She was unsure how Teroiah had managed to stand up to Hal-Neesa without either flinching or getting magically obliterated on the spot. Of course, a few moments of thought revealed it was not in Neesa's interests to continue butting heads, but it could certainly have turned out worse. She only managed to tune in again when Hal-Neesa mentioned her thralls. The reactions varied between quietly shocked and quietly confused. Gro-Tagnud exchanged a look with both Ri'vashi and Teroiah, apparently unsure of how to answer. Teroiah crossed her arms. "Undead are amongst no doctrines in this coalition. Under your command, they will be tolerated. Involving them in mixed formations or tactics would require more time for exercises than we have time for." "Just for completeness' sake..." Gro-Tagnud said with a hand held forward to slow down the conversation. "How do your thralls behave, exactly? I'm no general of the dead, but if they're going to be a piece on the field either way, I want to know what they're capable of." [hr] Lunise knew who Nytala was as soon as she lowered her hood, but her subconscious mind took a moment longer to catch up. Meesei could see the subtle change in Lunise's face -- her jaw relaxing and a tiny blink flicking over her eyes. Unsurprisingly, Nytala held an obvious enough resemblance to Lunise that Meesei had no trouble recognising them as related by blood. Nytala had the same straight blonde hair as her daughter and a similar stoic demeanour. Her eyes were similar, if slightly greyer and smaller, and her cheeks were just a little wider, but there was no mistaking her. Lunise was stiff in Nytala's embrace, her forearms lifted to each side with some surprise. When she tried to breath in through her nose, her lips tensed into an emotional grimace and her eyes filled up instantly with tears. "I...thought..." She could not make out all of her words before breaking down. "...I thought I forgot your face." Lunise pressed her eyes shut. The tears holding onto her eyelashes fell down her reddened cheeks. Finally, her arms wrapped around her mother and held on, desperately trying and failing to suppress her sobbing.