[Center][h1][color=fff79a]D[/color] [i]e s t o n[/i] [color=fff79a]C[/color] [i]a s t h i e r[/i][/h1][/center][hr][right][color=white][b]The Laughing Hyena[/b][/color] [color=gray]Bruvell[/color][/right][hr][indent][color=ed1c24]"Nyla; Nyla Farwynd."[/color] The priestess-in-training replied to the gesturing woman. A soft smile graced her lips, friendly and welcoming. Deston, on the other hand, simply nodded in reply to Siv before being cut off by the primitive-looking woman's questions. [color=fff79a]"You'd rather me lie about who I am?"[/color] He asked, rather perplexed at her whispering. [color=fff79a]"It is a fair point to have, and yet I struggle to fathom myself obliging to it. Hiding behind smoke and mirrors was never my style, anyway."[/color] By then, the conversation had returned back to the circumstances of the meeting, to which a plump dragonborn—apparently a new arrival to the Prince's quest—was the first to respond, followed by a red-headed elf. [color=fff79a]"And adventure it shall be!"[/color] Deston exclaimed to his (hopefully) new companions; himself largely in agreement with the recent arrivals. Drawing forth a wax-sealed scroll, the prince turned to those around the table. [color=fff79a]"While I doubt there'll be any world-saving, I do have a bounty posted by a group of miners about a day or so from here. They struck a kobold nest while digging, and their progress has been impeded since."[/color] A stupid grin graced the prince's face, smiling away like an idiot. [color=fff79a]"Until now, however—if you're willing to join us on this [i]quest[/i] of ours."[/color][/indent]