[quote=@Nate1008] I have read your replies and i have come to the decision of not creating any type of Hive Mind or infestation. Instead, I will be creating a human Nation, like everyone else. Thank you for your help. I think this will be better for me and the other players. [/quote]Only a small portion of the playerbase has human factions and by that I include those who were inspired by them but no longer related. If you want a real easy to make nation I'd suggest starting with an alien faction. Rookie's toolkit to create alien civs: - pick a non-human fantasy/sci-fi picture you like, give them a cool name - make it empire because they get the 4X game feel across the best (if you don't like empires you can pick other governance) - Choose cool pictures of infantry, vehicles and starships you like (write up some lore to them) - No fourth step, you are done The beauty of simplistic alien civs that they are essentially humans but without mankind's history to consider. They are just play-doh for you to mold the way you want. The extra issue with human civs here is that you have to coordinate your lore with multiple other people. I believe an alien species sidesteps all these issues and allow you to start with a clean plate.