But it was Alleruen who had been standing beside the exit the entire time, watching things grow steadily out of control. He was panicking but he was also eerily calm, his heart settling down as danger drew nearer and nearer. God was good, and he had no problem with organized religion either. But between faith and his life, the decision was too easy to make. [B]"Don't say I didn't warn you." [/b] Tossing something against the ground, Allereun quickly exited the store and slammed the door behind him, pushing against it to keep it shut. One had ran out from the bath room portion, but for the two in the storefront? He had dashed an accelerant against the floor. Moments later, toxic flames burst inside, feeding off the reagents and concoctions and growing more sinister still. A part of him was sad that his house was going to burn down. Another part recognized that it would have burnt down no matter what he said.