[center] [color=orange][h1]Tyrin[/h1][/color] [b]Mentioned:[/b] Magnus and Charlie [@QueenOfTheLand] [/center] [hr] Tyrin laughed."Eh I think we'll get along swimmingly," he said as he braced himself from the 'light' pat. While he agreed with Magnus to use whatever weapon he felt comfortable, he could admit that the man had the strength to really throw into with any heavy weapon if he ever changed his mind. While he talked with Magnus, Tove scoffed at the other felyne with a roll of his eyes."The feeling is mutual," he stated while maintaining his position on Tyrin's shoulders. Before either could continue their various discussions however one of the various megaphones strewn out the city came to life shouting for all new hunters. "Well guess they are playing our song. Time to get going to the Guild Hall. Take care Magnus and if you ever feel like trading felynes, don't hesitate to ask," he joked being rewarded with a hit atop his head from his furry companion. With that he began making his way down the streets once more. They had seen the Guild Hall while on their stroll so it was a matter of retracing their steps to find it once more. "You know maybe you should get to know Charlie, I'm sure you get tired of me and doubt you have interest for me," Tyrin teased while he waled with the palico sputtering. "I have no time to work on such matters with having to watch you. Besides I have no interest. Just sympathy for someone who has to deal with another idiot partner like me," Tove responded hitting Tyrin once more on the head.