[b]"Lucky bastard,"[/b] Elodie muttered as Jerel came by, nursing a hole in his shoulder. In any other case, one injury sustained after a disorganized melee was something to be celebrated, but this was an injury upon a marksman, against opponents that should be nothing but wheat. Careless indeed. Lucky it didn't go through his chest, in any case. But that was all she said, and as the battle drew to an end, leaving only the stench of spilled blood, soiled pants, and charred flesh (god, Gillian makes any battlefield worse) behind, Elodie slapped on her goggles and tied a handkerchief over her nose. Had to come up with a better design, eventually, but it was rather low on her checklist as it were. Gotta spend some quality time with Silence and the Twinned Arms, after all. Nodding Alyssa, perhaps the only truly irreplaceable member of the Iron Rose Knights, who was fated to put up with all the recklessness and carelessness of a corps of glory-seekers, Elodie walked out of the impromptu wagon-shelter, stretching out her back. There was a nice, satisfying pop as she surveyed all the preparations for their departure. A half minute of walking got her mounted on her mare again, and after some initial skittishness, the artificer was off, ready to go in the general direction of the bandit camp and leave it to everyone else to do the murdering. Ah, there was one point though. [b]"Hey, Fanilly,"[/b] Elodie said, pulling her steed up beside the Captain, [b]"You asked 'bout how they killed off the regular army, yeah? Strategies, tactics, prominent magicals? Anyone other than their King to watch out for?"[/b] Even a man of uncommon brutality was a mere man. If it was only Jeremiah who had any impressive martial skill, he wouldn't have an army left, after all. [@jdh97][@Animal][@VitaVitaAR]