In trying to tune out the rambling and ranting of the Saber-class Servant, Thomas almost missed the cue from his ally to begin the assault. Nodding to the doctor the older Magus turned away from the pair towards where his Servant waited, the brute standing apart from the rest of the group to give him the room he would need to launch his assault. The plan of attack was simple enough; Berserker would charge into the enemy forest, destroy everything in his path while attracting as much attention as possible. The aim was to disrupt more than anything else, to force the Grey’s to pay attention to their part of the assault and draw their focus away from other areas so that the other teams would have less opposition to deal with; Berserker was the Servant with the best chance of surviving such a plan and Saber could add her considerable power to the mix if need be while the good doctor would hopefully keep them all alive. Such brute tactics were a far cry from Thomas’ usual dealing, but after decades of political manoeuvrings within the Order, of carefully concealing barbs within words, maintaining and tracking allegiances and of keeping his back free of knives, it would be nice to throw his weight around for once. Raising his staff Thomas pointed the Mystic Code towards the heart of the hidden forest. [color=aba000]“Go Berserker! Throw yourself to the wolves and rage to your heart’s content! Destroy everything in your path!”[/color] The Servant wasted no time in following the command, as if he had been waiting for this moment his entire life, and launched himself forward. The Berserker leapt towards the forest, dirt and turf spraying his Master’s clothing as he kicked off from his starting position, and leapt again when he touched the ground. After two more leaps he found himself already at the treeline, Berserker diving headfirst past the border between forest and open ground and disappearing from sight. Thomas closed his eyes and connected his vision to that of his Servant’s, instantly being greeting by the nauseating sight of branches and foliage and underbrush flying past at dizzying speeds. His warrior was moving quickly through the Grey’s vaunted forest, deeper into enemy territory with every reckless step; it was only a matter of time before someone noticed if they hadn’t already. [color=aba000]“Now we wait, I suppose.”[/color] Thomas stared into the distance with a contended smile on his face, staff held before him and both hands resting on top. [color=aba000]“What do you suggest we should do to pass the time?”[/color] [@ManyThings][@Reflection]