[b]Miss Alice Revya Rose[/b] It seems 'Conduit' had approached her for a particular reason. But that would have to wait. Maybe. It seems introductions were due all around. [i]"Well if we're going by fake names, mine is Alice Rose."[/i] It hardly seemed like a superhero name. But it was fake, even if she had gone by that name for the longest time. Revya had turned into Rose. Slinging around her father's name was not a good idea, even if Earth was in the galactic boonies. [i]"Though Phoenix, I have to say I don't know the man. You would probably be best asking him."[/i] Alice was annoyed that one of them had denied the pizza, and showed as much with her body and words, if not her face. A cross of the arms, shifting her balance back to one foot, a cold and slightly scornful response. But here she redirected her attention to Conduit, and more importantly the pizza box in his hands. [i]"It's good to ask people questions directly, even if you have to give up a little something."[/i] A clear enough signal that he could ask his question now, or hold it off until Phoenix left. But in return he'd most certainly have to pay for that pizza. Hopefully she had made it clear enough, sometimes people never really got the hints.