[center][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8K5Pq66Tuq4/USor8zNdDZI/AAAAAAAAMHE/jMGZzAwbzXA/s400/04.JPG[/img][/center] [center](HEAVEN SCAN: Shinigami Hime No Saikon heavenscanvf.blogspot.com|)[/center] [center]There was once a great land. It was powerful well into the modern age. However, dark times would soon be upon this human kingdom as the vampires declared war on them. This war would continue on for many years. Both sides losses were great in numbers. It was feared that it would never end. In truth, the end seemed to be nowhere in sight, not at all. The prince of the human kingdom even got involved in the war, wanting to defend the honor of the humans and of his own family. He tried to keep his sister, the human princess, out of it. However, the decisions of such things would be taken out of his hands by his own father. His father declared a decision he made behind his sons' back as the current true ruler of the human kingdom. He and the vampire queen had come to an agreement. They finally agreed to stop fighting and end the war. But, there was a catch, one condition that was to be met to ensure the peace between the two factions. This news would anger both the human prince and the human princess. The king was marrying his daughter off to the vampire prince! The two rulers had arranged the marriage to create a bridge between the two kingdoms, to ensure peace prevailed and to prevent any future fighting. The human prince had no say in what happened to his sister. The human princess also had no say in the matter and neither did the vampire prince. The vampire prince was actually the oldest of a few children his mother had before his father had died, which had happened during the war before this one. Anyway, the two are about to meet for the very first time and the story will continue from there. Anyway, the rest of the story has no pre-decided plot. The rest is an 'as we go' kind of story. Hopefully, it is a well enjoyable one. Time to begin![/center] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/acd4e9c0bc845aa850d57833956f3879/tumblr_mukjtgXlRl1reqnqfo1_400.gif[/img][/center] [center](karin gifs | WiffleGif wifflegif.com)[/center]