Eulalie was quite bothered that she had to go back out into the damned rain once more, into [i]another[/i] carriage, and toted off some place this very night. Having come across an ocean on a steam ship she was exhausted from travel and simply wanted to sleep, as there had been little success in sleeping on the waving, rocking ship this past three weeks. Modern as the ship was, that didn't shrink the expanse it had to navigate. When she heard they would board a train, she hoped for a sleeper unit to rest in but didn't hold her breath. Moments later the realization that this trip might take a while, and that she did not have a set of fresh clothing for the next day, struck her but she had yet to have a moment to ask Ellie about that, but she did pocket the fact that the bath she had asked about never came. There would be a whole list of complaints by the time she would have a chance to speak to someone in charge. She turned the guild seal over in her hand during the crowded carriage ride. It was like a more rough, cold attempt at her family seal of thorns and roses but none of the beauty and grace of the gold broach at her throat. She noted the main difference was that the Bellerose crest was a rose encircled by thorns like the crown of Christ, whereas the iron broach of the guild had a rose from which three thorny branches jutted outward from the flower. It felt terribly pagan by comparison, and she tucked it into her purse rather than pinning it on her chest for now.