Muttering, thanks of course, Smith looked around the... clearing, though the plant life was apparently VERY active and already taking over whatever the ship had destroyed when it crashed. AI mentioned that this could only be a portion of the ship, the actual ship must have broken upon entry. Well, where was she supposed to go from here? it wasn't like there was a big arrow over her head that said 'this way for partner in stupid death game'. Though, if it did she would probably be a bit more frightened than she was now. The Trees were huge, probably over a hundred foot high, thick and frim, their rooms probably deep. Vines hung off of them, they were about as big around as her thigh, the grass was tall and could easily hide more of those enormous bugs, luckily not the flying death birds. "Any idea's, AI?" she questioned her constant companion. "Sentient Smith should go right, there are signals which indicate the location of another ship segment in the area." "Estimate on time to arrival?" she questioned. "Too many factors outside of calculations, time unknown." The AI replied mechanically. "Great, so... it could be an hour or a day. I would HATe to get caught out here at night. I wonder how long the night cycle is." she stated more to herself than to the AI. Glancing around, her eyes couldn't pick up any movement by anything more than the wind, so she supposed she was going right... into the giant tree jungle full of who knew what... with only a small metal spear that was more steel rod than anything else.