[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/26e756f9-4554-406a-8631-e5aac265c287.png[/img] [i]Squall Whisperers[/i][/center] Hujaya skipped into the village and told everyone she met of the marvellous meeting she had just had with Delphina. Many in the tribe had seen Delphina once, when she had gifted the tribe with music and listened to their first performance, but the goddess appearing to a single mortal was something that had been unheard of since Ippino. Many shared in Hujaya's joy at this blessing that had been bestowed. However, not everyone was convinced. "Why don't you show us this... new trick of yours, eh?" Hujaya stood still and stared out across the horizon, humming a soft tune and plucking idly at her lyre. The sky was overcast, but the earlier storm had rolled further inland. There were no squalls in sight, although squalls weren't exactly easy to see. She furrowed her brow. "Hm. I'll have to find another storm spirit first." The words of Delphina repeated in her mind: 'Show all my strength through you.' She nodded her head. "Yes, I'll find a storm spirit and bring it here. Then I can show you all the power Delphina has gifted me." The man who had challenged Hujaya smirked and whispered something to another man beside him as Hujaya set out on her little quest. She took a freshly fired fish to eat as she walked out of the village in the direction of the receding storm. For the first few hours, all seemed well as Hujaya walked, improvised on her lyre and composed a few new lyrics. However, as the sunlight grew dim and evening approached, Hujaya was yet to find a squall and she was growing anxious. She could not bear to return empty-handed, for that would humiliate herself and Delphina. Yet it would soon be nightfall, and Hujaya had not brought anything besides her lyre, not even food for dinner. She did not relish the thought of being hungry and alone in the dark. Hujaya came to a puddle. She knelt down beside the puddle, cupped her hands and scooped up some water to drink. As she looked at the ripples in the water, Hujaya bowed closer and pleaded, "Oh Delphina, please, I need to find a squall. I need it to show people your gift. Please." With her prayer spoken, Hujaya felt as if a burden had been lifted from her chest. She rose back to her feet and continued walking. It was only a few minutes later that she spotted a rocky hill through the trees and realisation came to her. The clouds could not properly see her down on the ground beneath the canopy of the trees. She needed to get higher, where the sky could see her and hear her. She climbed the hill and hauled herself on top of a boulder at its peak. The landscape which unfolded around her was rather dreary, under grey skies with the sun hidden behind clouds. She could see the smoke rising from her village's bonfire, the one which had been started by Ippino so long ago. To the east beyond the trees she could see the ocean, and although it was no brighter than the sky above it the sight of the sea gave Hujaya a spark of hope. Hujaya lifted her lyre and plucked a few of its strings. She scanned the horizon around her and thought that a louder instrument would have been better for this. She shook her head and dismissed the thought - it was too late to find another instrument. She would have to make do with what she had. Hujaya took a deep breath in, then sung as loudly as she could while keeping in tune. "Come to me, squalls, come to me, Then happy I will be. Come to me, squalls, come to me, To one who loves the sea. "I have been looking for long, So now I sing this song. Come to me, squalls, come to me, Then happy I will be." Hujaya continued to sing these verses as the land around her sunk into the darkness of dusk. The chill of the night pricked at her skin, and her voice was starting to waver in exhaustion. Yet, just as hope seemed to be slipping away, she felt a breeze whip around her. A squall had arrived. Quickly, she adjusted her tune, adapting to the preferences of the squall she had found until its movements settled into the rhythm she set out. Then, with the squall enthralled, Hujaya walked down the hill and back towards her village. Her trek through the forest was mostly in darkness, with only enough light filtering through from the Lustrous Garden for her not to trip over every branch and root. The squall snaked around Hujaya, rustling the trees and sprinkling her with precipitation. Hujaya took care not to trip or falter, for to do so would be to lose control over the squall. And having spent so long trying to attract it, she did not want to risk losing it. Throughout the walk home, Hujaya had been playing a simple melody on her lyre, something just to keep the squall's attention while being simple enough to play continuously. But for her arrival, she would need to put on a show, one which would impress her tribesfolk enough to be worth the disturbance at this hour of the night. As the clearing in which the selka lived came into view, Hujaya shifted her melody and began to hum, bringing the squall closer to her. Her gait became a skip, and the squall synchronised with her movements. The selka who were on watch for the night, along with those yet to fall asleep, saw Hujaya approach. One of them nudged a sleeping selka awake. A watchman gave her a wave, which she returned with a nod. But she did not speak, for her focus was on synchronising with her squall. Then, as she came to the perimeter of the village, Hujaya skipped forwards with four claps then broke into song. "Praise to Delphina, for I have returned, Now I can show you the tricks I have learned. Awake now in this hour of the night, To look and see a most marvellous sight." Selka stirred and woke, pulling back blankets of furs and watching Hujaya dancing in the light of the bonfire. "With my singing I can command the breeze, For the storm spirits my song does appease. With a word and a note I make it blow, The wind obeys and follows where I go." A strong wind blew around the camp and spiralled around the dancing Hujaya. Blankets flapped in the wind and a few awed gasps came from the audience. "With my singing I can command the rain, For that is part of Delphina's domain. My somber melody makes the clouds cry, For my goddess has control of the sky." Rain suddenly fell about the camp, eliciting a few surprised shrieks from some of the selka. Hujaya danced and played music for a little longer, pulling the squall around the village in a dance mirroring her own. However, she noticed that the squall avoided getting too close to the bonfire - perhaps it was worried about drying out. Hujaya figured that it might have been possible to coerce the squall closer to the fire, and she might have created a more stunning show that way, but that carried the risk of the squall breaking from her control and potentially harming the village. So instead Hujaya slowed down her song. "Sadly my song must now come to a close. I must now send my squall to its repose. I end my song with a sweet lullaby, And I say to the storm spirit: goodbye." There was stillness in the camp as the wind and the rain stopped. There was stunned silence from the selka. Hujaya turned around to look at everyone's faces. With the grace of a performer, she stepped back and took a bow. There was a moment's silence, then applause. [hr] The next day many of the village's musicians asked Hujaya if they could be taught what she had been taught. And remembering Delphina's words, Hujaya took them on as apprentices. She tested their musical talent, keeping only the best and sending the others away. She showed them some of what she could do. She told them of her encounter with Delphina. She reminded them of the teachings of Ippino. But there was another thing. This was a powerful gift she had been given, so was not to be shared lightly. Delphina had given her responsibility along with this gift, and this responsibility needed to be passed on to all others who learned the gift. Hujaya stood in a circle with her three apprentices. Pyouroff was an older man, good with percussion. Kaleo was a male singer about Hujaya's age. Sulingu was a girl younger than Hujaya, only in her teens, who played the flute. Hujaya had carefully selected these three based on their musical talent and their piety. "You want to be Stormbards like me?" Hujaya asked. "Yes," the three selka replied. "When Delphina taught me this talent, she also gave me a responsibility. Likewise, if you wish to share this talent, you must also share this responsibility." Hujaya received affirmative gestures from her apprentices. "Now, repeat after me. I promise to always worship Delphina, who gives me my strength." "I promise to always worship Delphina, who gives me my strength." "I promise to use my power and skills to show Delphina's strength, and to create beauty wherever I go." "I promise to use my power and skills to show Delphina's strength, and to create beauty wherever I go." "I promise to teach others as I was taught." "I promise to teach others as I was taught." Hujaya clapped her hands together and smiled. "By making this oath, you are now Stormbards, and I can share with you the gift of speaking with squalls." The three selka cheered and patted each other on the backs in celebration. "Now, gather your instruments. Our first task is to summon a squall." They set off on their task. Over the weeks their training and practice continued, for even Hujaya was still learning about how to control squalls and what she could do with them. And word of the Stormbards and their talent spread through the tribes of the Hyummin and Grottu. [hider=Summary] Hujaya tells her village of her encounter with Delphina. A scoffer challenges her to demonstrate her new skills, so Hujaya departs to find a squall. After hours of no success, she prays to Delphina, then climbs on top of a hill and sings for hours until a squall does come. She leads it back to the village and shows off her newfound skills using song, dance and weather manipulation. Three selka decide to join the Stormbards. They are Pyouroff (percussionist), Kaleo (singer), and Sulingu (flautist). Hujaya makes them take an oath, then teaches them her ways. Meanwhile, news of these remarkable people is spreading. [/hider] [hider=Prestige] [i]Start:[/i] 2 Prestige (from major role in previous post) [i]Earned:[/i] +2 Prestige (from major role) [i]Spent:[/i] None [i]End:[/i] 4 Prestige [/hider] [hider=Stormbards: Positions Vacant] The Stormbards are a Holy Order of skilled musicians. They worship Ashalla/Delphina, and their signature ability is being able to control squalls (essentially giving them storm powers). Their organisational structure is very loose, and they have no centralised authority. Recruitment occurs through a master-apprentice arrangement, and seniority typically carries notable weight. They are unified by a set of common values, based on the mission statement given Hujaya by Delphina. Membership in the Stormbards is open to all players. For a character to become a Stormbard, they must first demonstrate considerable musical talent. Then they must get an existing Stormbard to take them on as an apprentice. Before being taught how to 'speak' with squalls, the apprentice must take an oath, swearing loyalty to Ashalla/Delphina and promising to follow the values of the Stormbards. If you want to be a Stormbard, let me know and we can arrange an apprenticeship. [/hider]