[hider=Korthos lore] Korthos was Originally uninhabited by Humans. The first settlers were [url=https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Sahuagin]Sahuagin[/url], a race of fish people. These Sahuagin worshipped an evil god called the Devourer. They populated some parts of the island, but mainly stayed near the water, as most Sahuagin do. After some time, a small boat made its way to the island. a small group of people looking to settle. 5 men and 5 women, all humans, were sent to populate the island, and would respond to their homeland once a settlement had been made. The Sahuagin, discovering this, demanded sacrifices from the humans, for living on their home, and raided their city in a show of power, stealing the runestone that allowed them to commune with the mainland. The humans, weak, and unwilling to fight, gave small amounts of gold, meats, and even weapons to the Sahuagin. Being so few, however, the Humans could not keep up with the sacrifices, were forced to flee the island, or fight. Two women, and one man decided to flee, while the rest submitted to the Sauhagin. Those who submitted to the Sahuagin, were enslaved by the Sahuagin, and their children were converted to worshiping the Devourer, and some of the adults, eventually began to worship too, out of desperation. The escapees made off with their magical runestone in a scuffle with one of the converted, who had planned to try and return with them. Now four, they could finally commune with their homeland, Ecclesia. Unfortunately, during the years, a civil war had broken out over taxes, and laws on property. After explaining the situation, the King sent over what sparring soldiers and supplies he could, as well as any volunteers from Eccessia that wanted to go. Arriving on a much larger scale, the people of Ecclessia set up a village along with the original four, and began to fight back against the Sahuagin. Over the next 10 years, Korthos would be put on the map, both the Villagers and Sahuagin forces (Both the Sahuagin themselves, and those that believed that the Devourer and Sauhagin were the winning side.) would rapidly grow in numbers, while Ecclessia cut off all contact and supply ships after the civil war was over and new leadership was put in place, and few would go to the Island. The opposing forces have reached a sort of stalemate, neither really wanting to launch a full scale attack for fear of the consequences. However, with no real military to speak of, only a select few of them possessing any real professional training, the villagers are weak, and the Sahuagin and cultists are getting more bold by the day, and to top it all off, a dragon has appeared, freezing the normally tropical island. Why is the dragon here? Whose side is it on? Will you be able to do anything about it? Find out soon. [/hider]