As Nyla gives her name to Siv, she notes her soft and warm nature, [i]"My, my... She's quite nice. It's as if she was glowing."[/i] she thought. Siv smiles back, but before more conversation could be made, more people have arrived. A rather large reptilian accompanied by a dancing elf have come to join the motley. [i]"Ah, more colorful people! How interesting."[/i] This was followed by Deston finally revealing their first quest, a hunting mission, perfect for Siv to show her stuff. This also led to the man who arrived before her to speak, allowing her to hear him for the first time. [color=yellowgreen]"Kobolds, you say? That shouldn't be too much trouble."[/color] His voice exuded confidence, age, and experience. Again, before thoughts of reaction could be turned into words, another person places herself into the scene. A woman asking to join the conversation and even offering to pay for herself. Not wanting to step out of bounds, she turns her to Deston's attention, [color=darkgreen]"Well, the person to ask is Deston."[/color] pointing her towards the blond starry-eyed prince's direction.