[color=aba000]“It seems that Saber has the enemy Servant in hand. Let’s just hope that those skeletons don’t decide to come after us.”[/color] Speaking with a nonchalance that he didn’t fully feel, Thomas swept his eyes over the wolves and skeletal soldiers that had emerged from the forest. The enemy Lancer, who in a fit of hubris had freely revealed herself to be one of the famed Tiger Generals, had found them much faster than he had anticipated; perhaps it was foolish to think that the Grey’s wouldn’t be on guard against an attack, but even so this response time was admirable. Closing his eyes again Thomas linked his vision with that of his Servant only to discover that Berserker had been similarly waylaid by a beastly looking warrior, perhaps the Red factions own Berserker. [color=aba000]“Berserker has been attacked as well. I suppose now we find out which faction chose the stronger Servants!”[/color] **** The arrow bit into Berserker’s shoulder, piercing deeply into the hard muscle even though to anyone observing it would barely seem to have broken the skin enough to not fall out; if the Archer that fired the arrow could see the results, as he no doubt could if he was good enough to make the shot in the first place, he would find all of his shots from now on to be even less effective. Regardless, right now Berserker’s attention was solely focused on the wolf-skin wearing warrior that was charging towards him. The mad Vikings eyes locked with the other Berserker’s as he charged to meet him, raising his two clubs above his head he leapt heedlessly towards his opponent, roaring his mindless rage for all to hear. The red spear bit into Berserker of Black’s side, leaving a gouge in its wake even as to Berserker of Red the attack seemed to glance harmlessly off of his opponent’s skin; in turn Berserker of Black slammed his weapons down on his opponent, the overhead strike bringing both clubs crashing down with all of his might.