[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/d41MsdL.png[/img][/center] [hr] Haruki was super impressed. Everyone else's quirks were so cool! He thought his quirk was cool, but it was almost disappointing when compared to the rest of them. He'd sort of downplayed everyone else's quirks out of irritation at being interrupted, but now he realized just how outclassed he was, and he couldn't be more excited. The thought of competing with all of these others while being at such a disadvantage, helping them achieve their potentials, it was so cool! He was especially shocked by the girl who seemed to be nothing more than a mass of goo. Wow! He'd never seen anything even close to that, what the heck kinda quirks did they have here at UA? Haruki watched in awe, as the principal introduced himself. He'd never seen anyone so powerful in his life, and he'd get to be taught by this guy? Wow! Haruki just kept getting more and more shocked with every reveal! It was like he was living in a movie! Haruki wanted to ask him so many questions, but he held his tongue and waited, no matter how much it sucked to do so. When they were done there, he bounced over to the teacher with their keys, and pumped his fists up and down as he waited. He was going to get a room, and a roommate! Katsuro! That guy who could light himself on fire! That was awesome! They were gonna be best friends, they were gonna conquer the world! He was about to go over to introduce himself to Katsuro, but then he was interrupted by the security chief. Haruki immediately became concerned, there were so many rules all of a sudden. Haruki was willing to follow rules, but these were so over the top. Jeez, Haruki didn't know how okay he was with this, but he had to do this if he wanted to be a hero, no matter how strict the rules were. He shook himself and slapped his cheeks. Be happy, be excited, don't be worried, worrying is useless. Okay, rules schmules, he was gonna be a hero! Himura Haruki: best hero in the world! Haruki retrieved his key and darted off to his room, where Katsuro was already setting up. Haruki went to go in, then realized he'd forgotten his suitcase in the car! Oh no! All his stuff! He turned to walk away, only for the security guy to shove it into his arms. "You forgot this, your parents handed it in at the security checkpoint." Haruki looked up with wide eyes. [color=f7976a]"Aw man! I'm such a screw up, thanks sensei!"[/color] he replied quickly, turning to go back into the room. "Sure..." he heard the man say behind him in a voice that seemed both confused and amused. [color=f7976a]"Hi Ryuujin-san!"[/color] Haruki yelled out as he waddled his suitcase into his room. He pulled out a whole bunch of black clothes and stuffed them in a closet, then a laptop, which he put on one of the provided tables. Then he pulled out a black blanket which he laid over his bed, a bunch of paintings that he himself had made when he was younger, all of which were kinda spooky looking, with deformed faces and dark imagery, and stuck them up on the wall. He put out a small mat, meant for karate practice, and finally a speedbag, which he hung from the roof right next to his bed. [color=f7976a]"Done!"[/color] he yelled out with a wide smile. It felt just like home already.