[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190519/8a76258f0fa7a64c9123d41709a46e86.png[/img][/center][center][sub][color=darkgray][color=white][b]::[/b] [/color]the streets of thorinn [color=white][b]//[/b] [/color] thorinn [color=white][b]::[/b][/color][/color][/sub][/center][hr]Alex paused before continuing their conversation. [color=#87c735][i]Oh, she´s one of those roleplayers.[/i][/color] It was something he´d never been interested in, though he was more or less familiar with the basics from seeing the cringe-inducing displays of knighthood that his brother and his friends engaged in. His brother, who was now stuck in the same game as him and most likely in some horrific and dangerous area surrounded by tryhards of the same skill level as his obsessive self. [color=#87c735][i]Fuck.[/i][/color] He pushed those thoughts back. [color=#87c735]"Don´t sweat it, playing this game means I get used to this kind of stuff. Not that I´m any good at it myself."[/color] His back slouched. [color=#87c735]"Right, staying strong."[/color] It was hard to stay strong in a world that was getting scarier by the minute. Camping inside of a claustrophobic village wasn´t going to cut it any more for Alex, and taking his frustration out on woodworking wasn´t going to change the fact he was stuck here and very much in danger. People were getting stronger than him every passing moment, and whether he liked it or not he was going to have to step out into the wild and face the very real possibility of dying. He held his hand out for a fist bump, which he corrected into a handshake. It was hard to pay attention to a conversation when you were briefly coming to terms with your mortality. [color=#87c735]"My name´s Alex. I´ve just been screwing around this place for awhile, but things are getting crowded so I´m thinking about setting out."[/color] She looked like someone who would make a good teammate, if her introduction was anything to go by. There was, however, something she said that had caught his attention. [color=#87c735]"Skeleton... lady?"[/color] He made no effort to hide his awe.