At the last moment the girl in red armor threw herself in front of the arrow using her own sword to cleave the set of arrows apart. Her reflexes, and her movements extenuated by a flow of red mana flowing from her body. [color=0072bc]"Don't push yourself. Let Archer handle this Lara."[/color] the boy in blue said as he moved forward. Lana, the girl in red, frowned and spit on the ground. [color=ed1c24]"Dumbass you're lucky I'm here to watch you. Just because our abilities have been boosted doesn't mean we're like actual servants."[/color] grumbled Lana as she stepped back as Lancer approached. [color=8882be]"You're not fighting for yourself are you? There's someone that your fighting for. This is a fight your resolve must not waver."[/color] Lancer scolded the young man who couldn't respond before Lancer was upon him slashing with her spear, probing him for his own part the young man held his own but it was clear he wasn't much of a match. He frantically blocked blows leaning towards the defense as a Chimera appeared from nearby to try to attack but three black keys found themselves lodged in its head killing it before much could be done. Leon watched the girl in red but she was focused on the fight. Leon wasn't about to break his own duel etiquette to attack a spectator...even if this was war there should be some civility here. Though Leon wondered why Archer hadn't fired again? Was the archer class toying with them? === [color=f7941d]"Why run Archer are you one of those spineless curs who fell before me just like in life? Or is it that you fear one who's ability is so truly startling? I thought this be a battle of warriors? One to test the tide of war! Are you not one of the heroes I was promised by those children? I assure you if you run I will no longer spare mercy to you."[/color] Rider warned as he marched his men further towards the edge of the forest. The man with dark brown hair declared as he pointed his sword towards the retreating caster. [color=f7941d]"The undead may be unsavory but even the likes of a woman should know better than to run from a man on horseback."[/color] Rider further taunted as he raised his blade ready to block blows coming his way. His men already dead no longer mattered it would seem. === [color=f26522]"[i]ALWAYS[/i] with the god of war huh? Always gotten jump to the front of the lot like a bunch sniveling bastards that you are? Pah! Doesn't matter a warrior fights headfirst with all their strength. And who said I was one of those guys anyway? I could've just been saying I was as fierce as a tiger."[/color] Lancer tried to back step with their words. Shaking her head she simply clutched her lance, and held her arm forward instead of defending Lancer brought the full force of her spear forward slashing at Saber with a crushing counterattack. With each blow the ice magic would set in but Lancer's tremendous strength coupled with their surprising quick, and precise blows smashed the ice before it could form on the already impressively long spear. [color=f7941d]"You think a bit of ice is strong enough to deal with me?! I'm not going to take any of that shit from you?! Who relies on magic swords to save them from a true warrior!?[/color] Lancer demanded as she pressed forward. ==== The wolf skin clad Berserker almost reflexively rolled to the left in a twirl narrowly dodging the attacks, and then stabbed again at Black Berserker before following up with a savage sweeping slash. The man's red eyes glowered with hatred aimed not at the one in front of him but at everything. He had not moved consciously to defend himself his training was so hardly ingrained into his fighting spirit that it seemed even in his madness it came to him. This berserker was quick, and well trained if nothing else he seemed to want to kill anything in front of him.