[@vancexentan] That's what I was saying as well. A scripted RP isn't the problem. If you want to be the main character of your own story, or even all of the meaningful characters while handing predetermined roles to the PCs, so be it, that's your choice. But at least letting people know in advance what to expect is a bit of courtesy. And maybe allow others to have a role into how the story should play as well? Otherwise, what's even the point of having other players? You could just write fanfiction and have the same, if not better results, since you wouldn't have to deal with this kind of questioning everytime you strongarm the story to fit your creative vision while choking the players' actions. We came here expecting one thing and are being served another, at least I did, so it's natural that we might want to talk things through. Which is what I believe everyone here is trying to do except for yourself so far. Why not try it now?