Alright I'll just come out an say it. I am not the main character. Leon is not the main character. He is reused so much because I don't feel like making characters for roleplays that more often than not die. Leon is not me. Brynhildr is not the main character. Saber, Rider, and Lancer all could take her in singles combat. Most stories, and rpg have predetermined plots. Also this roleplay has quite literally been making me [u][i]miserable[/i][/u] to the point where it is physically effecting my enthusiasm in real life. And since no one seems to like it how about we just end it. Cancel it. I have no intention of sitting here, and be insulted, or treated like I'm trying to do something I'm not actually doing. The story has predetermined hard points. That doesn't mean it will not, and cannot change. Characters can die. On both sides. But not at the start of the fucking story. What's the fucking point of killing off characters at the very start of the story. Killing off main characters is in bad taste, and depowers the players. Nothing I say seems to be changing your minds at all. In fact it just seems to piss everyone off. Which in turn leads to more of the first sentence. So lets end it because I'm sick of this. All of this. I'm not suicidal, or some dumb shit I'm just sick of trying to be neutral, and being unable to convince everyone I'm not against them, and am just trying to write a story with other people.