[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586635337355231274/728707633250435202/Judge-Header.png[/img] Presently, the Judge heard light footsteps coming down the hallway, soon revealing the figure of the mercenary, whom they call "Teg". His yellow eyes followed her, unblinking, as she passed by, seemingly oblivious to his presence. [i]Just as well.[/i] The woman seemed to be in a rather chipper mood at present. First impression; she was an odd one to be a mercenary. Not long after, the pilot called Andrea followed. His expression [or lack thereof] did not change as she shot a narrow-eyed glance his way. He'd seen that look a thousand times - did she think to get some kind of reaction out of him, or did she simply wish to make her displeasure known? Either way, he cared not. He sipped his coffee. With what he had observed thus far about the crew, it was clear to him that they were, generally, wary of him. Hiding something, perhaps. There was a common misconception that Judges would track down [i]every[/i] lawbreaker. It was, of course, ridiculous. It mattered not to him if these people broke their own laws. It was only the laws of his country that mattered to him. Now, it would of course be different if one of them had something against Rysudan law... But, he had no reason to suspect any of them yet. He had informed the captain of his intent, and that alone should be sufficient for the crew. He looked down, and was mildly surprised to see an empty mug before him. Had he drunk his coffee so quickly? [i]...Disappointing.[/i] He took up his blade and stone again. [i]Shing.[/i] [i]Shing.[/i]