[center][h2]Vic[/h2] [b]London[/b] [@Letter Bee][@MagusDream][/center] "Huh? Apprentice?" Vic pointed to himself awash with a look of confusion, "Well, no... not really." and just like that he let himself fall back into silence. He was no diplomat, he was barely a fighter. In fact the question of why he was even here in the first place still nagged at the back of his head even now. But his quiet wasn't meant to last it seemed. The youngest of brothers excitedly introduced himself, and apparently his name was Victor. According to Agni, they were similar. Unfortunately, Vic just couldn't see it. "Friends? Me?" he looked confused again. This was the second time in the same day that a stranger asked to be his friend. This never happened back home, people kept to their own and stuck within their clicks or inner circles, always hesitant to allow anyone new inside them. But these brothers were practically the opposite of that. Well, two of them were anyway. Ignitio remained skeptical of basically everything, and that included Vic as well, "Well, sure, okay." he said, nodding but honestly had no idea what else to say. Well, he was saved from further conversation by Judah, who led them to a safehouse. Based on the conversation, it sounded like the Princess wasn't really a princess. That was honestly a little disappointing, as it meant Vic wouldn't get to meet a princess after all. Oh well, at least the mission was going easily enough. He'd been kind of expecting them to have to fight their way to wherever the Princess of Heart was, but instead they were being led to her peacefully and without any hassle. Once they entered the building, Judah called to the girl named Lucy, who emerged from behind the hood of a truck. The sight of her made Vic stop in his tracks. The way she looked, her obvious inclination for tools and machinery. It was like looking at a grown up Ashley! Vic found himself staring at her, but only a fleeting moment before he realized it and quickly looked for something else to focus his curious gaze on. [hr] [center][h2]Ezra[/h2] [b]Mecca, Green Sahara[/b] [@Nerevarine][@Tenma Tendo][/center] Ezra's breathing began to grow heavier. With each lash of the whip, his own fatigue creeped up to him another inch closer. He obviously wasn't going to last in a dragged out fight. The Lost Soul Beast was just too much of a monster for that strategy to work. Instead he needed to do something more decisive. In truth there was only really one way of stopping the Lost Soul Beast, but actually mustering the strength necessary to pull it off? The Lost Soul Beast began to advance again, but Ezra decided to drop his strategy of keeping his distance. With another lash of the whip weapon, its segments wrapped tightly around the base of the Beast's sword and the hand that gripped it. Ezra pulled as hard as he could, disarming the Beast was likely not possible, not with such a stark difference in their physical strength. But Ezra could at least try to keep the Beast from swinging the weapon. The Beast's arm trembled and shook, it's fury only seeming to grow even more before it suddenly yanked its arm back with inhuman strength. With the whip still wrapped tightly around, Ezra found himself flung forward, right toward the proverbial jaws of death. He had to think fast, and an idea popped into his head, "Dark Firaga!" he shouted, releasing an explosive dark fireball from his free hand when he was close enough to physically shove it right into the Beast's face. The explosive force knocked Ezra back, but it also did so to the Beast, who staggered back and looked like it actually took real battle damage for the first time since this battle was begun. As for Ezra, he staggered to his feet. The whip weapon glowed a bit before it returned to its original Keyblade shape. The two women approached and seemed to be flanking him on both sides at about this point. So from this point it looked like Ezra wouldn't have to fight alone.