Finishing her sandwich, Mindy retrieved a bottle of strawberry-flavoured Moomoomilk and as she uncapped it she walked to Gavin as he was standing by himself, and she guessed Michael would want to be with Niccia. There would be plenty of times to catch up with her friend, she definitely didn't want to get in the way of the lovers. Michael joined Niccia. "It's good to see everyone gets along well," he said. The only two Pokémon he hadn't seen talking to anyone were the Onix and Lapras of Mindy, but the Lapras couldn't move well on land, so he could understand why she stayed where she was. And the Onix looked a bit stoic, but it being a rock-type it was hard to tell. His Fletchling seemed to be drawn to the taller bird-Pokémon, but it looked like he favoured Jycii and Merlin. When he looked at their Arcanines snuggle, he wanted to do the same to Niccia and he moved a bit closer so he could put a hand on her shoulder. [i]"If the topic comes up we can tell them,"[/i] Saruya said. [i]"We should give them a heads up before we sleep together though, because it will affect the entire team.[/i] She looked at the playing pups and then at Michael and Niccia. [i]"I wonder if they gave the subject any thought themselves. A lot of legendary have offspring, but I don't think Mew has any. And for human standards, I reckon Michael is old enough."[/i] [i]"Maybe it's good you don't remember,"[/i] Blaze rumbled and he put his claw on the Charmanders head. [i]"At least you are somewhere good now."[/i] Mable had a gentle smile on her face and nodded. She turned her attention to Tyson and Saber, both Pokémon of her type. And even though Blaze wasn't officially, she counted him as one of her kind too, just based on his built. Merlin watched the Noibat fly away and then turned to Blubelle. [i]"Never tell Andy I said this, but I trust his judgement in the matter. If he wants her in his team, I have no qualms about it."[/i] He paused and let an amused sound. [i]"Being in his possession will probably be sufficient atonement for her past actions. But in all seriousness, I do believe she should make amends somehow. I will have a word about that with Michael, so he can inform his uncle about my thoughts regarding the matter."[/i]